Evaluación de necesidades informativas de los estudiantes de la carrera de Comunicación Social de FACSO
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social.
La finalidad de este trabajo de investigación es evaluar e implementar un blog o bitácora que permita mantener un flujo constante de información entre los estudiantes, empleados y docentes de Facultad de Comunicación Social de la Universidad de Guayaquil. Con este cometido se realizó la evaluación de las necesidades informativas a través de encuestas a grupos de estudiantes de los 4 niveles de estudio y varios empleados de secretaría de la institución. Como resultado del estudio se dio a conocer que la relación Autoridad - Estudiante se encuentra por completo desatendida, en consecuencia la información no llega oportunamente a los estudiantes y representa un retraso en el proceso de desarrollo de la comunicación institucional. Teniendo en cuenta de antemano que la Facultad de Comunicación Social no dispone de ningún tipo de medio digital certificado por los directivos de la institución, se propuso la implementación de un Blog, una aplicación web que está siendo ampliamente usada en instituciones universitarias de todo el mundo, en donde se informa continuamente del programa educativo, noticias, eventos, reglamento, y demás gestiones que realiza una institución. Se utilizará el modelo exploratorio a través de la investigación de campo para recoger datos que evalúen la eficacia de comunicación actual y establecer los fundamentos para la propuesta. Los primeros favorecidos de este blog serán los estudiantes, debido a que el objetivo primordial de este estudio es establecer un vinculo mas fuerte entre el ellos y la institución, consiguiendo que sus solicitudes sean atendidas a tiempo, con la mayor diligencia posible y de esta manera lograr que se sientan valorados no solo por ser parte fundamental de la facultad sino también por el talento humano que ellos poseen, con el propósito de que se involucren cada vez mas y se comprometan a contribuir con el progreso y fortalecimiento de la facultad.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate and implement a blog that will maintain a constant flow of information among students, faculty and staff of School of Communication at the University of Guayaquil. With this task was the assessment of information needs through surveys to groups of students of the 4 levels of study and several employees of secretariat of the institution. As a result of the study revealed that the ratio Authority - Student is completely neglected, therefore the information is not timely to students and represents a delay in the development process of corporate communication. Bearing in mind beforehand that the Faculty of Social Communication does not have any digital medium certified by the directors of the institution, proposed the implementation of a Blog, a Web application that is being widely used in universities around the world , where continually informed of the educational program, news, events, rules, and other efforts being made by an institution. Exploratory model will be used by field research to collect data to assess the effectiveness of current communication and lay the foundations for the proposal. The first to benefit from this blog are the students, because the primary objective of this study is to establish a stronger link between them and the institution, getting their requests are met on time, as quickly as possible and thus make them feel valued not only for being a fundamental part of the faculty but also by the human talent they possess, in order that more and more involved and committed to contribute to the advancement and strengthening of the faculty.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate and implement a blog that will maintain a constant flow of information among students, faculty and staff of School of Communication at the University of Guayaquil. With this task was the assessment of information needs through surveys to groups of students of the 4 levels of study and several employees of secretariat of the institution. As a result of the study revealed that the ratio Authority - Student is completely neglected, therefore the information is not timely to students and represents a delay in the development process of corporate communication. Bearing in mind beforehand that the Faculty of Social Communication does not have any digital medium certified by the directors of the institution, proposed the implementation of a Blog, a Web application that is being widely used in universities around the world , where continually informed of the educational program, news, events, rules, and other efforts being made by an institution. Exploratory model will be used by field research to collect data to assess the effectiveness of current communication and lay the foundations for the proposal. The first to benefit from this blog are the students, because the primary objective of this study is to establish a stronger link between them and the institution, getting their requests are met on time, as quickly as possible and thus make them feel valued not only for being a fundamental part of the faculty but also by the human talent they possess, in order that more and more involved and committed to contribute to the advancement and strengthening of the faculty.
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