Determinación de la edición y producción de medios impresos por parte de los estudiantes del último año de la carrera de Comunicación Social de la Universidad de Guayaquil con la propuesta de la creación de un fondo editorial
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social.
El diario convivir y la experiencia propia de nuestro desarrollo universitario dentro de la Facultad de Comunicación Social de la Universidad de Guayaquil, nos ha servido para determinar las demandas de la misma, basados en las exitosas pericias promovidas en otras entidades de educación superior afines. Mediante éste proyecto investigativo se realizó un análisis y evaluación de la creación y desarrollo de un fondo editorial para los estudiantes de la Facultad de Comunicación Social de la universidad de Guayaquil (FACSO). En busca de contribuir con la difusión y popularización del conocimiento adquirido en actividades llevadas a cabo, por el estudiantado en el área de medios impresos.
Para ello, se profundizó en el manejo del sector editorial universitario; buscando establecer un perfil de la estructura administrativa de las diversas editoriales universitarias, que nos permitió delimitar los alcances y limitaciones de las mismas. Logrando promover y estimular el desarrollo constante de medios impresos, por parte de los aspirantes a Comunicadores Sociales. Con el afán de establecer un diagnosticó de la situación actual de éste sector en comparación con nuestra Facultad. En busca de llevar dicho proyecto en forma eficiente y rigurosa aplicamos técnicas y procesos de investigación que partieron de métodos fundamentales como el analítico, la investigación de campo, la observación, encuestas y muestreos que nos permitieron rescatar el gran interés por parte de los educandos en dicha propuesta. Por lo anteriormente expresado, se hace necesario un compromiso por parte de las partes en la creación de un Fondo Editorial, la cual convoque progresivamente a la creación de un ente único en cuanto a publicaciones se refiere, con la finalidad de promover el desarrollo de las relaciones con las nuevas tecnologías y la comunicación, evitando esfuerzos innecesarios por parte del estudiantado en la búsqueda de la edición y producción de medios impresos.
The live journal and the experience of our university development within the Faculty of Social Communication at the University of Guayaquil, has helped us to determine the demands of the same, based on the successful skills promoted in other entities related to higher education. Through this research project was conducted an analysis and evaluation of the creation and development of a fund editorial for the students in the Faculty of Social Communication at the University of Guayaquil (FACSO). In search of help with the dissemination and popularization of knowledge acquired in activities carried out, by the students in the area of print media. For this reason, deepened in the management of the university publishing sector; seeking to establish a profile of the administrative structure of the various university presses, which allowed us to delineate the scope and limitations of the same. Achieving promote and encourage the ongoing development of print media, on the part of the candidates to Social Communicators. With the desire to establish a diagnosis of the current situation of this sector in comparison with our Faculty. In seeking to carry the project efficiently and we apply rigorous techniques and processes of research which departed from fundamental methods as the analytical, field research, observation, surveys and sampling that allowed us to rescue the great interest on the part of the learners in this proposal. By the foregoing, there is a need for a commitment on the part of the parties in the creation of a backlist, which convened progressively to the creation of a single entity with regard to publications, with the purpose to promote the development of relations with the new technologies and communication, avoiding unnecessary effort on the part of the student body in the quest for the editing and production of print media.
The live journal and the experience of our university development within the Faculty of Social Communication at the University of Guayaquil, has helped us to determine the demands of the same, based on the successful skills promoted in other entities related to higher education. Through this research project was conducted an analysis and evaluation of the creation and development of a fund editorial for the students in the Faculty of Social Communication at the University of Guayaquil (FACSO). In search of help with the dissemination and popularization of knowledge acquired in activities carried out, by the students in the area of print media. For this reason, deepened in the management of the university publishing sector; seeking to establish a profile of the administrative structure of the various university presses, which allowed us to delineate the scope and limitations of the same. Achieving promote and encourage the ongoing development of print media, on the part of the candidates to Social Communicators. With the desire to establish a diagnosis of the current situation of this sector in comparison with our Faculty. In seeking to carry the project efficiently and we apply rigorous techniques and processes of research which departed from fundamental methods as the analytical, field research, observation, surveys and sampling that allowed us to rescue the great interest on the part of the learners in this proposal. By the foregoing, there is a need for a commitment on the part of the parties in the creation of a backlist, which convened progressively to the creation of a single entity with regard to publications, with the purpose to promote the development of relations with the new technologies and communication, avoiding unnecessary effort on the part of the student body in the quest for the editing and production of print media.
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