Evaluación del daño a salud que produce fumar cigarrillo en los habitantes de la ciudad de Guayaquil para la creación de un segmento radial para las charlas de concientización
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de comunicación Social.
El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es evaluar el consumo y el daño a la salud que causa el tabaquismo en la ciudad de Guayaquil, reflejándolo en un segmento radial para dar a conocer o prevenir a un grupo o una población de la epidemia. Al lograr que un joven disminuya el consumo, estaremos logrando un gran aporte al país. A pesar de que el Ecuador no se encuentra entre los principales países con mayor nivel de consumo de tabaco, estamos expuestos a que una nueva generación juvenil se implica más con la droga del tabaco, provocando problemas de salud en el futuro. Basándonos en los datos realizados según un estudio difundido en junio del 2008 por una oficina de la Organización de los Estados Americanos, se lleva una estimación de la demanda del consumo del tabaco en Ecuador en un 19%.Se utilizará el modelo exploratorio a través de la investigación de campo para recolectar datos que midan el consumo del tabaco actual y sentar las bases para la propuesta. Los beneficiarios primarios serán los receptores (público) que están implicados en el tema. Las herramientas a utilizarse serán las encuestas a un sector de la población de la ciudad de Guayaquil que permita tener resultados muy acertados de lo investigado.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the consumption and health damage caused by smoking in the city of Guayaquil, reflecting it in a radial segment to publicize or prevent a group or population of the epidemic. When you get a boy decrease the amount, we will be making a great contribution to the country. Although Ecuador is not among the top countries with the highest level of consumption of snuff, we are exposed to a new young generation more involved with drug snuff, causing health problems in the future. Based on the data made according to a study released in June 2008 by an office of the Organization of American States, estimates of consumer demand in the snuff in Ecuador takes 19%. Exploratory model was used by field research to collect data to measure the consumption of snuff now and lay the foundation for the proposal. The primary beneficiaries will be the recipients (public) that are involved in the issue. The tools to be used to survey a sector of the population of the city of Guayaquil that allows to have very successful results of the investigation.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the consumption and health damage caused by smoking in the city of Guayaquil, reflecting it in a radial segment to publicize or prevent a group or population of the epidemic. When you get a boy decrease the amount, we will be making a great contribution to the country. Although Ecuador is not among the top countries with the highest level of consumption of snuff, we are exposed to a new young generation more involved with drug snuff, causing health problems in the future. Based on the data made according to a study released in June 2008 by an office of the Organization of American States, estimates of consumer demand in the snuff in Ecuador takes 19%. Exploratory model was used by field research to collect data to measure the consumption of snuff now and lay the foundation for the proposal. The primary beneficiaries will be the recipients (public) that are involved in the issue. The tools to be used to survey a sector of the population of the city of Guayaquil that allows to have very successful results of the investigation.
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