Determinación de cambios de cobertura manglar en la isla Puná utilizando imágenes satelitales y UAV
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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad de Guayaquil
Utilizando imágenes satelitales LandSat del año 1985 y 2016 se aplicaron técnicas de clasificación de coberturas vegetales con el fin de encontrar los cambios ocurridos a través de este período de tiempo en la cobertura manglar dentro de la Isla Puná, por lo que se procedió a clasificar las imágenes de 1985 y 2016 aplicando el método supervisado, para luego someterlas a una detección de cambios en donde se determinó que dentro de la Zona Poblada de Puná Nueva se ha perdido un 52,2% de cobertura manglar, la cual ha sido reemplazada por piscinas camaroneras. Una vez identificada la zona donde se ha detectado cambios relevantes de cobertura manglar se procedió a planificar y ejecutar un vuelo in situ de un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV), en una superficie de 1,08 donde se levantó un área de 0,32 km2 de cobertura manglar.
Para encontrar la correlación que existe entre la imagen LandSat 2016 y la imagen UAV se procedió a evaluar con 112 puntos de muestreo aleatorio tanto en la imagen LandSat 2016 como en la imagen UAV, obteniendo una correlación del 0,155, lo cual demostró que existe una correlación baja, pudiendo concluir que no existe correlación lineal entre la imagen LandSat 2016 y la imagen capturada por UAV dentro del poblado de Puná Nueva. Sin embargo la aplicación de sensores remotos y UAV son herramientas de captura, análisis y detección de cambios en las coberturas existentes en la superficie terrestre, lo cual ayuda a mejorar los planes de manejo ambiental de zonas degradadas por el hombre.
Using Landsat satellite images from 1985 and 2016, were applied classification techniques in order to find the changes through this period of time in coverage mangrove in the Puná Island, for this task imagines were classified with their corresponding coverage, after that they were put thought changing detection where it was determined that within the populated area of New Puná has lost 52.2% of mangrove ecosystem and this has been replaced by shrimp farms. Once identified the area where it was detected significant changes the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was used on an area of 1, 08 , in that place were determined 0, 32 of mangrove. In order to finding correlation between LandSat image 2016 and UAV image were evaluated images with 112 points random sampling both the Landsat 2016 images and UAV image to thereby obtain a correlation of 0,155 between these two images, which showed the use of remote sensors and UAVs are tools that facilitate the detection of changes in the coverage of the earth's surface which can help an agile improve environmental management plans for areas degraded by mankind.
Using Landsat satellite images from 1985 and 2016, were applied classification techniques in order to find the changes through this period of time in coverage mangrove in the Puná Island, for this task imagines were classified with their corresponding coverage, after that they were put thought changing detection where it was determined that within the populated area of New Puná has lost 52.2% of mangrove ecosystem and this has been replaced by shrimp farms. Once identified the area where it was detected significant changes the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was used on an area of 1, 08 , in that place were determined 0, 32 of mangrove. In order to finding correlation between LandSat image 2016 and UAV image were evaluated images with 112 points random sampling both the Landsat 2016 images and UAV image to thereby obtain a correlation of 0,155 between these two images, which showed the use of remote sensors and UAVs are tools that facilitate the detection of changes in the coverage of the earth's surface which can help an agile improve environmental management plans for areas degraded by mankind.
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