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Universidad de Guayaquil-Facultad de Ciencias Psicologicas
La investigación “Tipo de personalidad y adicción a sustancias psicotrópicas de los miembros del Grupo de Narcóticos Anónimos Nueva Vida de Bahía de Caráquez” cuyo objetivo fue determinar la relación entre tipo de personalidad y adicción a sustancias psicotrópicas en los miembros del grupo en el año 2016. La investigación fue de tipo cuantitativa, descriptiva, correlacional y transversal, con diseño de campo, se utilizaron: la entrevista estructurada para obtener información sobre la conducta adictiva; un cuestionario de Implicaciones en Adicciones elaborado por la autora y validado; pruebas psicotécnicas como el Test Autodiagnóstico de Adicciones de Saúl Alvarado para describir la severidad de la dependencia química de los participantes y el Inventario Clínico Multiaxial de Millon-II, dirigido a la evaluación de la personalidad. Como resultados relevantes se pudo extraer que las personas adictas correspondieron a sujetos entre 18 a 25 años, provenientes de estrato socioeconómico de medio a bajo, inicio de consumo en la adolescencia, con consumo de cocaína y marihuana, encontrándose la mayor parte de las personas estudiadas en tratamiento profesional constante por más de un año. Se concluyó que existe relación entre los tipos de personalidad como límite, antisocial, negativista y dependiente y el consumo de drogas
The research "Type of personality and addiction to psychotropic substances of the members of the Group of New Life Narcotics Anonymous of Bahía de Caráquez" whose objective was to determine the relationship between personality type and addiction to psychotropic substances in group members in 2016 The research was quantitative, descriptive, correlational and cross - sectional, with field design. The structured interview was used to obtain information on addictive behavior; a questionnaire on Implications in Addictions prepared by the author and validated; psychotechnical tests such as Saúl Alvarado's Self-Diagnosis Test of Addictions to describe the severity of the chemical dependence of the participants and the Millon-II Multiaxial Clinical Inventory, aimed at the evaluation of personality. As relevant results could be extracted that the addicted persons corresponded to subjects between 18 to 25 years old, coming from socioeconomic strata of medium to low, beginning of consumption in adolescence, with consumption of cocaine and marijuana, being the majority of the people studied in constant professional treatment for more than one year. It was concluded that there is a relationship between personality types such as borderline, antisocial, negativist and dependent and drug use
The research "Type of personality and addiction to psychotropic substances of the members of the Group of New Life Narcotics Anonymous of Bahía de Caráquez" whose objective was to determine the relationship between personality type and addiction to psychotropic substances in group members in 2016 The research was quantitative, descriptive, correlational and cross - sectional, with field design. The structured interview was used to obtain information on addictive behavior; a questionnaire on Implications in Addictions prepared by the author and validated; psychotechnical tests such as Saúl Alvarado's Self-Diagnosis Test of Addictions to describe the severity of the chemical dependence of the participants and the Millon-II Multiaxial Clinical Inventory, aimed at the evaluation of personality. As relevant results could be extracted that the addicted persons corresponded to subjects between 18 to 25 years old, coming from socioeconomic strata of medium to low, beginning of consumption in adolescence, with consumption of cocaine and marijuana, being the majority of the people studied in constant professional treatment for more than one year. It was concluded that there is a relationship between personality types such as borderline, antisocial, negativist and dependent and drug use
Palabras clave
Tipo de personalidad, consumo de drogas, adicción, Bahía de Caráquez