Las competencias ortográficas en la disortografía.
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
Este proyecto de investigación trata de mostrar la importancia de las
competencias ortográficas en el mejoramiento de la Disortografía, que
presentan los estudiantes de 10mo año básico de la Escuela Richard
Burgos, así como fortalecer de manera colaborativa las competencias
Ortográficas usando recursos tecnológicos y multimedia. Se ha diseñado
un módulo de educación en línea con una metodología constructivista que
permitirá al estudiante reforzar las competencias y discriminar a la
Disortografía. El proyecto busca entregar a la sociedad una herramienta
multimedia que sea didáctica y a la vez educativa, el mismo reposa en la
web y es de acceso libre, de esta manera buscamos llegar a más jóvenes
con las herramientas tecnológicas que ellos conocen hoy en día, pero
desconocen sus funciones. Al finalizar el curso el sujeto podrá contar con
destrezas que mejorarán su ortografía, reconocerá las reglas básicas de la
ortografía del 2012. Los estudiantes de 10mo año de educación básica
podrán realizar la respectiva réplica con sus familiares y entorno creando
conciencia, que la ortografía no sólo es adornar la comunicación, sino que
también brindar las bases para que esa comunicación sea certera y
his research project tries to show the importance of spelling skills in the improvement of Disortography, presented by the 10th grade students of the Richard Burgos school, as well as collaboratively strengthening Orthographic skills using technological and multimedia resources. An online education module has been designed with a constructivist methodology that will allow the student to reinforce the competences and discriminate against the Disortografía. The project seeks to provide society with a multimedia tool that is educational and educational, it rests on the web and is freely accessible, in this way we seek to reach more young people with the technological tools they know today, but you do not know their functions. At the end of the course the subject may have skills that improve their spelling, recognize the basic rules of the spelling of 2012. The 10th grade students of basic education can make the respective replica with their family and environment creating awareness, that the spelling not only adorn the communication, but also provide the basis for that communication is accurate and effective.
his research project tries to show the importance of spelling skills in the improvement of Disortography, presented by the 10th grade students of the Richard Burgos school, as well as collaboratively strengthening Orthographic skills using technological and multimedia resources. An online education module has been designed with a constructivist methodology that will allow the student to reinforce the competences and discriminate against the Disortografía. The project seeks to provide society with a multimedia tool that is educational and educational, it rests on the web and is freely accessible, in this way we seek to reach more young people with the technological tools they know today, but you do not know their functions. At the end of the course the subject may have skills that improve their spelling, recognize the basic rules of the spelling of 2012. The 10th grade students of basic education can make the respective replica with their family and environment creating awareness, that the spelling not only adorn the communication, but also provide the basis for that communication is accurate and effective.
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