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Universidad de Guayaquil-Facultad de Ciencias Psicologicas
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar las características psicosociales asociadas a la adaptabilidad social de las mujeres con tea de alto funcionamiento, que asisten a la fundación Autismo Ecuador, en este trabajo se consideraron a las mujeres mayores de 14 años con un nivel de autismo de alto funcionamiento sin comorbilidad a otros trastornos del desarrollo. La metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa descriptiva por lo cual se usaron las escalas: Comportamiento Social CBS, de Amistad FQ, ADOS II, entrevista semi estructurada donde se recopiló la información necesaria sobre aspectos personales de las mujeres participantes. Se escogió el enfoque de desarrollo social de Mannoni y Dolto, pues se acerca más al estudio social desde el sujeto y a su humanización desde las buenas prácticas educativas. Dolto y Mannoni creían en una nueva forma de desarrollo social desde la atención infantil eficaz, cálida y temprana, también argumentaron que además muchos de los trastornos desarrollados en la infancia, podían ser revertidos desde una intervención temprana, y pensada en el niño, su contexto y la familia, Dolto desde su experiencia en el análisis pensó que los niños si podían ser analizados de una forma diferente al adulto. Uno de los principales resultados fue que las mujeres con autismo de alto funcionamiento muestran un nivel de empatía considerable en relación con lo que se esperaría en los varones, lo que hace que, junto a la imitación, puedan hacer una mejor lectura del contexto, concluyendo que si es posible desarrollar un sistema de comunicación más asertiva o socialmente aceptada
The objective of this study is to determine the psychosocial characteristics associated with the social adaptability of women with high functioning functioning at the Autismo Ecuador Foundation. In this study, women over 14 years of age with a level of autism were considered. high functioning without comorbidity to other developmental disorders. The methodology used was descriptive quantitative, for which the scales were used: Social Behavior CBS, Friendship FQ, ADOS II, semi-structured interview where the necessary information on personal aspects of the participating women was collected. The social development approach of Mannoni and Dolto was chosen, since it is closer to social study from the subject and its humanization from good educational practices. Dolto and Mannoni believed in a new form of social development from effective, warm and early child care, they also argued that many of the disorders developed in childhood could be reversed from an early intervention, and thought about the child, its context and the family, Dolto from his experience in the analysis thought that children could be analyzed in a different way than the adult. One of the main results was that women with high functioning autism show a considerable level of empathy in relation to what would be expected in men, which means that, together with imitation, they can make a better reading of the context, concluding that it is possible to develop a more assertive or socially accepted communication system
The objective of this study is to determine the psychosocial characteristics associated with the social adaptability of women with high functioning functioning at the Autismo Ecuador Foundation. In this study, women over 14 years of age with a level of autism were considered. high functioning without comorbidity to other developmental disorders. The methodology used was descriptive quantitative, for which the scales were used: Social Behavior CBS, Friendship FQ, ADOS II, semi-structured interview where the necessary information on personal aspects of the participating women was collected. The social development approach of Mannoni and Dolto was chosen, since it is closer to social study from the subject and its humanization from good educational practices. Dolto and Mannoni believed in a new form of social development from effective, warm and early child care, they also argued that many of the disorders developed in childhood could be reversed from an early intervention, and thought about the child, its context and the family, Dolto from his experience in the analysis thought that children could be analyzed in a different way than the adult. One of the main results was that women with high functioning autism show a considerable level of empathy in relation to what would be expected in men, which means that, together with imitation, they can make a better reading of the context, concluding that it is possible to develop a more assertive or socially accepted communication system
Palabras clave
características psicosociales, adaptabilidad social, trastorno del espectro autista, autismo de alto funcionamiento