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Universidad de Guayaquil-Facultad de Ciencias Psicologicas
Introducción. La formación del concepto personal (Sureda, 2001)se inicia en los primeros años del desarrollo psicológico y se va definiendo progresivamente de manera positiva o negativa, siendo en la adolescencia cuando se produce su relativa consolidación. En la Unidad Educativa Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón ubicada en el cantón “Buena Fé” de la provincia de Los Ríos acudieron un grupo de 35 estudiantes adolescentes que cursan los niveles de octavo, noveno y décimo de básica, remitidos por los tutores de curso por presentar conductas agresivas hacia sus pares y bajo rendimiento académico. Algo en común que presentan los estudiantes es la separación de sus padres, además conflictos familiares en los cuales incluso algunos han vivenciado violencia intrafamiliar y relaciones hostiles. Objetivo. Caracterizar el concepto de sí mismo de los adolescentes con separación parental de octavo a décimo de básica, así como valorar las vivencias de las principales problemáticas de las familias y describir la percepción del funcionamiento familiar. Metodología. En esta investigación se aplicó un diseño no experimental, transversal descriptivo. Se utilizó el test de autoconcepto AF5, el de funcionamiento familiar FF-SIL y una entrevista en profundidad. Resultados. Existió un predominio del concepto personal de nivel medio, la dimensión autoconcepto físico fue la más frecuente, la relación social, responsabilidad, los estudios y las relaciones familiares resultaron los ejes problemáticos familiares y por último la mayoría de los adolescentes percibieron a sus familias como disfuncionales.
Introduction. The formation of the personal concept (Sureda, 2001) begins in the early years of psychological development and is progressively defined positively or negatively, being in adolescence when its relative consolidation occurs. At the Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón Educational Unit located in the "Buena Fé" canton of the province of Los Ríos, a group of 35 adolescent students attended the eighth, ninth and tenth grade levels, sent by course tutors for behavior aggressive towards their peers and low academic performance. Something in common that the students present is the separation of their parents, in addition to family conflicts in which even some have experienced domestic violence and hostile relationships. Objective. To characterize the self-concept of adolescents with parental separation from eighth to tenth grade, as well as to assess the experiences of the main problems of families and to describe the perception of family functioning. Methodology. In this research, a non - experimental, transverse descriptive design was applied. We used the AF5 self-concept test, the FF-SIL family-run test and an in-depth interview. Results. There was a predominance of the mid-level personal concept, the physical self-concept dimension was the most frequent, the social relationship, responsibility, studies and family relationships were the problematic family axes and finally the majority of adolescents perceived their families as dysfunctional
Introduction. The formation of the personal concept (Sureda, 2001) begins in the early years of psychological development and is progressively defined positively or negatively, being in adolescence when its relative consolidation occurs. At the Quintiliano Sánchez Rendón Educational Unit located in the "Buena Fé" canton of the province of Los Ríos, a group of 35 adolescent students attended the eighth, ninth and tenth grade levels, sent by course tutors for behavior aggressive towards their peers and low academic performance. Something in common that the students present is the separation of their parents, in addition to family conflicts in which even some have experienced domestic violence and hostile relationships. Objective. To characterize the self-concept of adolescents with parental separation from eighth to tenth grade, as well as to assess the experiences of the main problems of families and to describe the perception of family functioning. Methodology. In this research, a non - experimental, transverse descriptive design was applied. We used the AF5 self-concept test, the FF-SIL family-run test and an in-depth interview. Results. There was a predominance of the mid-level personal concept, the physical self-concept dimension was the most frequent, the social relationship, responsibility, studies and family relationships were the problematic family axes and finally the majority of adolescents perceived their families as dysfunctional
Palabras clave
autoconcepto, adolescentes, separación parental