Comportamiento y evaluación de las finanzas publicas del gobierno central en el Ecuador 2007-2009
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
La realidad ecuatoriana, como en varios países de América
Latina y el mundo, la componen un sin número de problemas
económicos y sociales fruto de la desigualdad, la exclusión, la
incapacidad y falta de accionar en materia de políticas públicas que
promuevan el desarrollo por igual de los diferentes sectores de la
población. Esto sumado a la presencia de externalidades que
afectan gravemente a una economía endeble con problemas de
inequidad, desempleo, inflación, déficit en la balanza de pagos, entre
otros, exige un mayor nivel de intervención y eficiencia del Gobierno
Nacional en la ejecución de políticas macroeconómicas que permitan
revertir esta tendencia negativa que ha venido arrastrando la
economía ecuatoriana y que condiciona mucho nuestro desarrollo.
El Código de Planificación y Finanzas Públicas, aprobado por
la Asamblea Nacional y publicado en el Registro Oficial el 22 de
octubre del 2010, le otorga al actual Gobierno un mayor accionar en
este sentido permitiéndole, entre otros aspectos, aumentar el nivel
de endeudamiento parala financiación de programas y proyectos de
inversión pública, modificar el Presupuesto General del Estado y
aumentar el gasto, sin que esto perjudique las asignaciones a los
gobiernos seccionales, además de descongestionar el sector
The situation in Ecuador , as in several Latin America and the world, make a number of problems result of economic and social inequality, exclusion, inability and lack of action in public policy that equally promote the development of different sectors of the population . This added to the presence of externalities seriously affect a weak economy with problems inequality , unemployment, inflation , deficit in the balance of payments between others, requires a higher level of intervention and government efficiency National implementing macroeconomic policies to xii reverse this negative trend has been dragging the Ecuadorian economy and that conditions much our development. The Code of Planning and Public Finance , approved by National and published in the Official Gazette Assembly on 22 October 2010, the current government granted greater action in this sense allowing , among other things, increase the level parala debt financing of programs and projects public investment , modify the General State Budget and increase spending , without influencing allocations to regional governments , in addition to decongest the area public.
The situation in Ecuador , as in several Latin America and the world, make a number of problems result of economic and social inequality, exclusion, inability and lack of action in public policy that equally promote the development of different sectors of the population . This added to the presence of externalities seriously affect a weak economy with problems inequality , unemployment, inflation , deficit in the balance of payments between others, requires a higher level of intervention and government efficiency National implementing macroeconomic policies to xii reverse this negative trend has been dragging the Ecuadorian economy and that conditions much our development. The Code of Planning and Public Finance , approved by National and published in the Official Gazette Assembly on 22 October 2010, the current government granted greater action in this sense allowing , among other things, increase the level parala debt financing of programs and projects public investment , modify the General State Budget and increase spending , without influencing allocations to regional governments , in addition to decongest the area public.
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