Características Individuales, Familiares y Ambientales de los Adolescentes de 12 a 15 años Reincidentes en Actos Delictivos recluidos en el Centro de Adolescentes en Conflicto con la Ley Masculino Guayaquil en el 2015
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
Este trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo en el “Centro de Adolescentes en conflicto con la ley masculino Guayaquil”, en donde se encuentran menores de entre 12 y 15 años con internamiento institucional o medidas socioeducativas, se plantea como objetivo general profundizar en el estudio de las características individuales, familiares y del ambiente que rodea a los adolescentes reincidentes en actos delictivos y que recibieron sentencia durante el 2015, y como objetivos específicos, especificar los rasgos de personalidad, iidentificar las características familiares y describir el entorno que rodea a los adolescentes. Se selecciona para el análisis de caso seis adolescentes reincidentes y que en la actualidad se encuentran privados de libertad y que han vivenciado situaciones de alto riesgo. El diseño metodológico corresponde al paradigma interpretativo constructivista del enfoque cualitativo, Análisis de casos y se consideró como fuentes de información la Observación, el Inventario de Personalidad Bernreuter, la entrevista familiar diagnostica, el Inventario de Características Familiares de Riesgo – ICAFARI, el Ecomapa y la Entrevista. Se concluye que llas características familiares de los adolescentes son de alto riesgo dentro de las áreas del contexto socioeconómico- cultural y los procesos normativos. En el área individual existe la tendencia elevada a la neurosis lo que estimula la dificultad para auto-regularse, bajo nivel de confianza en sí mismo, sentimiento de auto-insuficiencia. Crecieron en un ambiente apremiante y crítico en la economía familiar que no alcanzaba para cubrir las necesidades básicas
This research work was carried out in the "Adolescent Center in conflict with the male law Guayaquil", where there are children between 12 and 15 years with institutional internment or socio-educational measures, it is proposed as a general objective to deepen the study of the individual, family and environmental characteristics that surround adolescents who repeat offenses in criminal acts and who were sentenced during 2015, and as specific objectives, specify personality traits, identify family characteristics and describe the environment surrounding adolescents . Six recidivist adolescents are selected for the case analysis and are currently deprived of their liberty and who have experienced high-risk situations. The methodological design corresponds to the constructivist interpretative paradigm of the qualitative approach, Analysis of cases and was considered as information sources the Observation, the Bernreuter Personality Inventory, the diagnostic family interview, the Inventory of Family Risk Characteristics - ICAFARI, the Ecomapa and the Interview. It is concluded that the family characteristics of adolescents are high risk within the socio-economic-cultural context and normative processes. In the individual area there is a high tendency to neurosis which stimulates the difficulty to self-regulate, low level of self-confidence, feeling of self-insufficiency. They grew up in a critical and urgent environment in the family economy that was not enough to cover basic needs
This research work was carried out in the "Adolescent Center in conflict with the male law Guayaquil", where there are children between 12 and 15 years with institutional internment or socio-educational measures, it is proposed as a general objective to deepen the study of the individual, family and environmental characteristics that surround adolescents who repeat offenses in criminal acts and who were sentenced during 2015, and as specific objectives, specify personality traits, identify family characteristics and describe the environment surrounding adolescents . Six recidivist adolescents are selected for the case analysis and are currently deprived of their liberty and who have experienced high-risk situations. The methodological design corresponds to the constructivist interpretative paradigm of the qualitative approach, Analysis of cases and was considered as information sources the Observation, the Bernreuter Personality Inventory, the diagnostic family interview, the Inventory of Family Risk Characteristics - ICAFARI, the Ecomapa and the Interview. It is concluded that the family characteristics of adolescents are high risk within the socio-economic-cultural context and normative processes. In the individual area there is a high tendency to neurosis which stimulates the difficulty to self-regulate, low level of self-confidence, feeling of self-insufficiency. They grew up in a critical and urgent environment in the family economy that was not enough to cover basic needs
Palabras clave
Adolescencia, Familia, Entorno, Reincidencia