Análisis del uso del sistema de dinero electrónico y su incidencia en las Pymes, ciudad Guayaquil, parroquia “Nueve de Octubre”.
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
En el presente proyecto se da a conocer la aplicación del sistema de dinero
electrónico y el nivel de aceptación que ha tenido por parte de las Pymes en la
ciudad de Guayaquil, donde se realiza un análisis del conocimiento que tengan
las empresas sobre los beneficios y medios electrónicos que se requieren para
el uso de este medio de pago frente a la demanda y oferta de bienes y
servicios. En el primer capítulo se da a conocer como se ha implementado este
sistema de pago en el país y porque es importante que las Pymes lo adopten.
En el segundo capítulo se muestran las bases para conocer mejor los términos
sobre el mecanismo de este sistema. Se recurre a bases legales y regulaciones
establecidas por el Banco Central del Ecuador. Se da a conocer la metodología
que se aplicó en el proyecto, la cual es cuantitativa (encuestas) y cualitativa
(entrevista) mostrada en el tercer capítulo. En el cuarto capítulo como
propuesta se presenta el Costo/beneficio que se obtiene utilizando este medio
de pago, la cual nos arrojó que el dinero electrónico es una manera de ahorro
para las empresas y consumidores finales porque sus costos de uso y
aplicación son bajos, y tiene altos beneficios. El dinero electrónico brinda una
seguridad única es difícil que pueda ser hackeada a diferencia del sistema de
pago privado como las tarjetas de créditos y débitos se puede dar el caso de
hurto y fraude de su dinero.
In this project we want to present the application of the electronic money system and the level of acceptance that Pymes have had in the city of Guayaquil, Where an analysis of the knowledge that companies have about the electronic benefits and means that are required for the use of this means of payment in the face of the demand and supply of goods and services. In the first chapter we explain, how this payment system has been implemented in the country and why it is important that Pymes adopt it. The second chapter shows the bases for better understanding the terms on the mechanism of this system. We resort to legal bases and regulations established by the Central Bank of Ecuador. The methodology applied in the project is described, which is quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (interview) shown in the third chapter. In the fourth chapter as a proposal we present the cost/benefit obtained using this payment method, which show us that electronic money is a way of saving for the companies and final consumers because their costs of use and application are low, and it has high benefits. Electronic money provides a unique security is difficult to be hacked as apposed to the private payment system as credit and debit cards that can be the case of theft and fraud of your money.
In this project we want to present the application of the electronic money system and the level of acceptance that Pymes have had in the city of Guayaquil, Where an analysis of the knowledge that companies have about the electronic benefits and means that are required for the use of this means of payment in the face of the demand and supply of goods and services. In the first chapter we explain, how this payment system has been implemented in the country and why it is important that Pymes adopt it. The second chapter shows the bases for better understanding the terms on the mechanism of this system. We resort to legal bases and regulations established by the Central Bank of Ecuador. The methodology applied in the project is described, which is quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (interview) shown in the third chapter. In the fourth chapter as a proposal we present the cost/benefit obtained using this payment method, which show us that electronic money is a way of saving for the companies and final consumers because their costs of use and application are low, and it has high benefits. Electronic money provides a unique security is difficult to be hacked as apposed to the private payment system as credit and debit cards that can be the case of theft and fraud of your money.
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