Modelo de aprendizaje y sistema de remediación académica
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El Presente trabajo propone creer un departamento de ayudantías
pedagógicas en la especialización de mercadotecnia y publicidad para de
esta manera ayudar a los estudiantes de bajo rendimiento académico de la
jornada nocturna con la finalidad de dar solución a los problemas de bajo
rendimiento académico existentes en nuestras Universidades, sabiendo que
en la actualidad nuestra sociedad exige profesionales con calidad de
conocimientos académicos pedagógicos, competitivos y de éxito. Definir la
educación es comprometerse con una concepción del hombre y de la
sociedad, en sus aspectos psicológicos, sociales, antropológicos y
filosóficos en un sentido menos abstracto, la finalidad ataña a la reflexión
entorno a los propósitos que determinan la acción educativa.
Este trabajo se ha realizado mediante la investigación cualitativa y
cuantitativa en función del problema, los objetivos que se persiguen y los
datos obtenidos, es decir en una investigación de tipo factible que se apoya
en una investigación de campo; las técnicas utilizadas en esta investigación
son: la observación directa, consulta a expertos, encuestas, etc. La muestra
se tomara en la Facultad de Filosofía en la carrera de Mercadotecnia y
Publicidad, con los alumnos de primer curso de la jornada nocturna y para
obtener respuestas que contribuyen a la realidad de la investigación y por
ende a la respuesta. Espero aportar con esta investigación al gran problema
que se suscita en nuestro medio con el alto índice de bajo rendimiento
académico y pedagógico en los estudiantes de la jornada nocturna, así
contribuir al desarrollo del país. Por esta razón propongo la creación de un
departamento de ayudantías pedagógicas en la carrera de Mercadotecnia y
Publicidad contribuir el desarrollo de nuestro país.
This paper proposes believe a department teaching assistantships in the specialization of marketing and advertising for this way to help students with low academic performance of the night shift in order to solve the problems of low academic performance exist in our universities , knowing that today our society requires professionals with quality teaching academic skills, competitive and success. Defining education is committed to a conception of man and society, in their psychological, social, anthropological and philosophical in a less abstract, the purpose is relevant to the reflection on the purposes that determine the educational activity. This work was carried out using qualitative and quantitative research by the problem, the objectives pursued and the data obtained, that is mean a feasible type of research that relies on field research, the techniques used in this research are : direct observation, consultation with experts, surveys, etc. The sample was taken at the Faculty of Philosophy in the career of marketing and advertising, with the freshmen of the day and night to get answers that contribute to the reality of research and therefore the response. I hope to bring this investigation to the major problem arises in our environment with the high rate of poor academic performance and student teaching in night shift, thus contributing to national development. For this reason I propose the creation of a department teaching assistantships in the career of marketing and advertising help the development of our country.
This paper proposes believe a department teaching assistantships in the specialization of marketing and advertising for this way to help students with low academic performance of the night shift in order to solve the problems of low academic performance exist in our universities , knowing that today our society requires professionals with quality teaching academic skills, competitive and success. Defining education is committed to a conception of man and society, in their psychological, social, anthropological and philosophical in a less abstract, the purpose is relevant to the reflection on the purposes that determine the educational activity. This work was carried out using qualitative and quantitative research by the problem, the objectives pursued and the data obtained, that is mean a feasible type of research that relies on field research, the techniques used in this research are : direct observation, consultation with experts, surveys, etc. The sample was taken at the Faculty of Philosophy in the career of marketing and advertising, with the freshmen of the day and night to get answers that contribute to the reality of research and therefore the response. I hope to bring this investigation to the major problem arises in our environment with the high rate of poor academic performance and student teaching in night shift, thus contributing to national development. For this reason I propose the creation of a department teaching assistantships in the career of marketing and advertising help the development of our country.
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