La computación en las competencias de formación de docentes de la educación inicial y párvulos
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como propósito, aportar con la utilización de los programas básicos de computación más comunes y fáciles de utilizar como son: Word, Excel y PowerPoint 2007, dirigido a l@s estudiantes del primer año de educación Inicial y párvulos de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Extensión La Troncal. En el primer capítulo se exponen el planteamiento, ubicación, situación conflicto, causas y consecuencias, delimitación, ubicación geo-temporo-espacial, formulación y evaluación del problema como también: Identificación de variables, producto esperado, objetivos generales, objetivos específicos y justificación e importancia. El marco teórico está conformado por: Antecedentes del estudio, fundamentación teórica donde se explica las generalidades de los programas básicos de computación, fundamentación legal en el cual se citará el reglamento sobre el cual se apoya la investigación, preguntas directrices de la investigación, variables de la investigación, variable independiente, variable dependiente y definiciones contextuales. El tercer capítulo abarca la metodología a utilizar, también tenemos el diseño de la investigación, la modalidad de la investigación, el tipo de investigación, la población y muestra, el instrumento de la investigación, el procedimiento de la investigación, la recolección de la información, el procesamiento y análisis, la discusión de los resultados y los criterios de validación de la propuesta. La importancia del tema investigado radica en lo que l@s estudiantes y la actual educación exige para tener aprendizajes significativos. El aporte de la tesis va a beneficiar directamente a l@s estudiantes como también a la institución educativa en la cual se desenvuelven. Por último los beneficiaros directos serán l@s estudiantes del primer año de educación inicial y párvulos, seguidamente por los docentes de la institución como la sociedad en la cual se desenvuelven.
The present investigation project has as purpose, to contribute with the use of the most common and easy basic programs of calculation of using like they are: Word, Excel and PowerPoint 2007, directed to l@s students the first years old and kindergartens of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Extension the Troncal. In the first chapter they are exposed the position, location, situation conflict, causes and consequences, delimitation, geo-temporo-space location, formulation and evaluation of the problem as well as: Identification of variables, prospective product, general objectives, specific objectives and justification and importance. The theoretical mark is conformed for: Antecedents of the study, theoretical foundation where it is explained the generalities of the basic programs of calculation, legal foundation in which made an appointment the regulation on which leans on the investigation, questions guidelines of the investigation, variables of the investigation, independent variable, dependent variable and contextual definitions. The third chapter embraces the methodology to use, we also have the design of the investigation, the modality of the investigation, the investigation type, the population and sample, the instrument of the investigation, the procedure of the investigation, the gathering of the information, the prosecution and analysis, the discussion of results and the approaches of validation of the proposal. The importance of the investigated topic resides in that that l@s students and the current education demands to have significant learning’s. The contribution of the thesis will benefit directly to l@s students as well as the educational institution in which you/they are unwrapped. Lastly benefitting direct they will be l@s students of the initial and naive first year of education, subsequently for the educational of the institution like the society in which you/they are unwrapped.
The present investigation project has as purpose, to contribute with the use of the most common and easy basic programs of calculation of using like they are: Word, Excel and PowerPoint 2007, directed to l@s students the first years old and kindergartens of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Extension the Troncal. In the first chapter they are exposed the position, location, situation conflict, causes and consequences, delimitation, geo-temporo-space location, formulation and evaluation of the problem as well as: Identification of variables, prospective product, general objectives, specific objectives and justification and importance. The theoretical mark is conformed for: Antecedents of the study, theoretical foundation where it is explained the generalities of the basic programs of calculation, legal foundation in which made an appointment the regulation on which leans on the investigation, questions guidelines of the investigation, variables of the investigation, independent variable, dependent variable and contextual definitions. The third chapter embraces the methodology to use, we also have the design of the investigation, the modality of the investigation, the investigation type, the population and sample, the instrument of the investigation, the procedure of the investigation, the gathering of the information, the prosecution and analysis, the discussion of results and the approaches of validation of the proposal. The importance of the investigated topic resides in that that l@s students and the current education demands to have significant learning’s. The contribution of the thesis will benefit directly to l@s students as well as the educational institution in which you/they are unwrapped. Lastly benefitting direct they will be l@s students of the initial and naive first year of education, subsequently for the educational of the institution like the society in which you/they are unwrapped.
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