Sistema de organización y gestión de almacenamiento para la empresa Inarpi S.A.
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
La investigación en sí presenta un problema determinado como
congestionamiento de tráfico de contenedores en el Puerto Marítimo INARPI
S.A., provincia del Guayas, sur de Guayaquil. Debido al crecimiento del
comercio nacional e internacional, los buques han tenido que incrementar su
tamaño, en la actualidad la capacidad de los buques para transportar la
mercancía es tan factible porque es un medio de transporte económico y
masivo, muchos son los clientes y empresas que han puesto su confianza en el
servicio brindado por la empresa INARPI S.A. ya que ésta realiza las actividades
de importación y exportación de sus mercaderías. Las mismas que son
transportadas en contenedores o cargas suelas. El objetivo general de este
Proyecto de Investigación es presentar un Sistema de Organización y Gestión
de Almacenamiento de Contenedores, con el cual se pretende mejorar y
automatizar los procesos de operaciones de la empresa desarrollando métodos
de investigación, técnicas e instrumentos adecuados como entrevistas que
permiten recolectar información con la finalidad de obtener criterios necesarios
para formular la propuesta.
The investigation in the case of a specific problem such as container traffic congestion in the INARPI S.A. Maritime Port, province of Guayas, south of Guayaquil. Due to the growth of national and international trade, the vessels that have had to increase their size, at present the capacity of the ships to transport the merchandise is so feasible because it is an economic and private means of transport, many are the clients and companies They have placed their trust in the service provided by the company INARPI SA that carries out the import and export activities of its merchandise. The same ones that transport in containers or soles loads. The general objective of this research project is to present a Container Organization and Management System, with which it is possible to improve and automate the processes of the operations of the research methods, techniques and appropriate instruments Purpose of obtaining the necessary criteria to formulate the proposal.
The investigation in the case of a specific problem such as container traffic congestion in the INARPI S.A. Maritime Port, province of Guayas, south of Guayaquil. Due to the growth of national and international trade, the vessels that have had to increase their size, at present the capacity of the ships to transport the merchandise is so feasible because it is an economic and private means of transport, many are the clients and companies They have placed their trust in the service provided by the company INARPI SA that carries out the import and export activities of its merchandise. The same ones that transport in containers or soles loads. The general objective of this research project is to present a Container Organization and Management System, with which it is possible to improve and automate the processes of the operations of the research methods, techniques and appropriate instruments Purpose of obtaining the necessary criteria to formulate the proposal.
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