Incidencia de la comprensión lectora en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes de básica media de la unidad educativa Los Vergeles del cantón guayaquil parroquia pascuales del año 2017
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El pensamiento crítico como una herramienta de fundamental
importancia en el proceso de una educación elemental y de calidad, por lo
cual se realizó la investigación para determinar la incidencia de la
comprensión lectora en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en los
estudiantes de básica media, así también analizar la importancia de la
capacitación de los docentes y del estudiante al analizar e interpretar una
lectura la cual los llevo a tener criticidad, resolución de problemas y tomas
de decisiones. La presente investigación se fundamentó en el modelo
constructivista emplea las teorías de Piaget y Skinner, con enfoque
cuantitativo y cualitativo a través de una investigación de campo y
bibliográfica es descriptiva ya que nos permite caracterizar el objeto de
estudio, los instrumentos de investigación aplicados fueron test no
estandarizados a los estudiantes, entrevista a docentes en básica media.
En el análisis de los resultados se pudo verificar que la mayoría de los
estudiantes no cuenta con un desarrollo de pensamiento crítico requerido
para básica media debido a que el docente no contaba con estrategias
metodológica para motivar a la lectura y a la comprensión de la misma, por
lo cual al tener las técnicas metodológica adecuadas y requerida para
incentivar a la comprensión e interpretación de una lectura y así llevará a
desarrollar un pensamiento crítico.
The critical thinking as a tool of fundamental importance in the process of elementary education and quality, for which research was conducted to determine the incidence of reading comprehension in the development of critical thinking in students of basic average, also analyze the importance of teacher and student training when analyzing and interpreting a reading which will lead them to have criticality, problem solving and decision making. The present investigation is based on the constructivist model employs the theories of piaget and skinner, with quantitative and qualitative approach through a field research and bibliography is descriptive since it allows us to characterize the object of study, the research instruments applied were nonstandardized tests with questions open to students, interviews with teachers in basic average. The results of the analysis it was possible to verify the majority of the students doesn’t have a critical thinking development required for the average basics because the teachers don’t have methodological strategies to motivate the reading and comprehension of the same, for which has the appropriate methodological strategies and required to encourage understanding to interpretation of a reading and thus lead to develop a critical thinking.
The critical thinking as a tool of fundamental importance in the process of elementary education and quality, for which research was conducted to determine the incidence of reading comprehension in the development of critical thinking in students of basic average, also analyze the importance of teacher and student training when analyzing and interpreting a reading which will lead them to have criticality, problem solving and decision making. The present investigation is based on the constructivist model employs the theories of piaget and skinner, with quantitative and qualitative approach through a field research and bibliography is descriptive since it allows us to characterize the object of study, the research instruments applied were nonstandardized tests with questions open to students, interviews with teachers in basic average. The results of the analysis it was possible to verify the majority of the students doesn’t have a critical thinking development required for the average basics because the teachers don’t have methodological strategies to motivate the reading and comprehension of the same, for which has the appropriate methodological strategies and required to encourage understanding to interpretation of a reading and thus lead to develop a critical thinking.
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