Tratamiento del incisivo central superior con lesión en zona periapical: Granuloma
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Odontología
La endodoncia es el campo de la odontología que estudia la morfología
de la cavidad pulpar, la fisiología y la patología de la pulpa dental, así
como la prevención y el tratamiento de las alteraciones pulpares y de sus
repercusiones sobre los tejidos periapicales.
En este trabajo se ayudará a identificar a través de la historia clínica y los
exámenes clínicos cuando una pieza se encuentra con una lesión
Dentro de los objetivos de este trabajo investigativo, los procedimientos
terapéuticos a seguir en un pieza con enfermedad periapical granuloma
es el tratamiento radical una pulpectomía, que se realiza cuando la pulpa
del diente se encuentra afectada de forma irreversible.
Por las características de este tratamiento radical, también describiré en
diversas etapas como se realiza una pulpectomía para una pieza con
mortificación pulpar y lesión periapical
El aislamiento es importante para el mantenimiento de las condiciones de
asepsia y facilita los procedimientos de antisepsia. En la necrosis pulpar
se utilizara un aislamiento absoluto que mejorara la visibilidad y constituye
una protección inigualada para evitar la deglución o la aspiración de
instrumentos durante el tratamiento endodóntico.
En este texto se describirá la configuración interna del incisivo central
superior que es importante para la apertura coronaria, la localización del
conducto y para su preparación. Así permitirá iniciar con mayor seguridad
el tratamiento endodóntico.
La preparación mecánica del conducto radicular lo que es preparación
biomecánica o preparación químico-mecánica son, sin dudas, una de las
etapas más importantes de la cirugía endodóntica.
Es durante la preparación mecánica que, con el uso de los instrumentos
endodónticos y ayudados por producto químico en este caso hipoclorito
de sodio, ser posible limpiar, conformar y desinfectar el conducto radicular
y de esta forma viable las condiciones para obturar el conducto.
Y finalmente la obturación del conducto del incisivo superior por objeto el
llenado de la porción conformada del conducto con material inerte o
antiséptico que promueve un sellado estable y tridimensional y estimule
con el proceso de reparación para llegar al éxito de la terapéutica
Endodontics is the field of dentistry that studies the morphology of the pulp cavity , physiology and pathology of the dental pulp and including the prevention and treatment of disturbances and its pulp impact on the periapical tissues . This work will help to identify through clinical history and clinical examinations when a piece is with injury periapical . Among the objectives of this research work , procedures therapeutic follow a piece with periapical granuloma disease radical treatment is pulpectomy , performed when the pulp is affected tooth irreversibly . The characteristics of this radical treatment , also describe in various stages as a pulpectomy for a piece is performed with mortification pulp and periapical lesion Isolation is important to maintain the conditions of asepsis and facilitating procedures for antisepsis . In pulp necrosis absolute isolation to improve the visibility and is used unequaled protection to prevent swallowing or aspiration of instruments during endodontic treatment . In this paper the internal configuration of the central incisor is described top is important for coronary opening , the location of duct and their preparation. That will start with greater security endodontic treatment . Mechanical preparation of the root canal which is preparing biomechanics or chemical- mechanical preparation are, without doubt, one of the most important stages of endodontic surgery. It is during the mechanical preparation , with the use of tools endodontic and aided by chemical hypochlorite in this case sodium , be easy to clean , disinfect and shaping the root canal and this viable conditions for sealing the conduit . And finally sealing the conduit of the upper incisor object the filling of the duct portion formed by inert material or antiseptic that promotes a stable, three-dimensional seal and stimulate with the repair process for success of therapeutic endodontic .
Endodontics is the field of dentistry that studies the morphology of the pulp cavity , physiology and pathology of the dental pulp and including the prevention and treatment of disturbances and its pulp impact on the periapical tissues . This work will help to identify through clinical history and clinical examinations when a piece is with injury periapical . Among the objectives of this research work , procedures therapeutic follow a piece with periapical granuloma disease radical treatment is pulpectomy , performed when the pulp is affected tooth irreversibly . The characteristics of this radical treatment , also describe in various stages as a pulpectomy for a piece is performed with mortification pulp and periapical lesion Isolation is important to maintain the conditions of asepsis and facilitating procedures for antisepsis . In pulp necrosis absolute isolation to improve the visibility and is used unequaled protection to prevent swallowing or aspiration of instruments during endodontic treatment . In this paper the internal configuration of the central incisor is described top is important for coronary opening , the location of duct and their preparation. That will start with greater security endodontic treatment . Mechanical preparation of the root canal which is preparing biomechanics or chemical- mechanical preparation are, without doubt, one of the most important stages of endodontic surgery. It is during the mechanical preparation , with the use of tools endodontic and aided by chemical hypochlorite in this case sodium , be easy to clean , disinfect and shaping the root canal and this viable conditions for sealing the conduit . And finally sealing the conduit of the upper incisor object the filling of the duct portion formed by inert material or antiseptic that promotes a stable, three-dimensional seal and stimulate with the repair process for success of therapeutic endodontic .
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