Accidentes en los tercios medio y apical durante la biomecánica endodóntica
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
El presente trabajo de investigación determina que no solo el
desconocimiento de la morfología de los conductos dentarios producen
accidentes en los tercios medio y apical durante la biomecánica endodóntica,
siempre existe la posibilidad de que ocurran accidentes y complicaciones ya
sea durante la apertura o trepanación, instrumentación biomecánica,
irrigación y obturación de los conductos. Por eso como profesional y
estudiante se debe tener el máximo cuidado, prevención y concentración
además de una sólida base de conocimientos y un buen manejo clínico
durante el procedimiento endodóntico para así poder disminuir las
posibilidades de complicación endodóntica.
Para lo cual el profesional y el estudiante debe preocuparse de tener en
cuenta otros factores como son un buen apoyo radiográfico que facilite a
establecer su diagnóstico y tratamiento a realizar, que el material con el cual
se trabaje se encuentre en buen estado y sea el adecuado para el
procedimiento que se llevara a cabo, que el paciente que se vaya a atender
sea una persona que no presente patologías de base que pueden llevar a
producir complicaciones durante el procedimiento endodóntico y que de
presentar patología la pieza a ser tratada se indique al paciente que ello
influye en el éxito o fracaso de este tratamiento.
La terapéutica de los procedimientos endodónticos, al igual que otras
disciplinas de la odontología, en ocasiones, se relaciona con circunstancias
imprevistas e indeseables.
Los accidentes durante la biomecánica endodóntica pueden definirse como
aquellos sucesos infortunados que ocurren durante el tratamiento, algunos
de ellos por falta de una atención debida a los detalles y otros por ser
totalmente imprevisibles.
The present investigation determined that not only the lack of dental morphology occur ducts accidents in the middle and apical thirds during endodontic biomechanics, there is always the possibility of accidents and complications and either during opening or trepanation , biomechanical instrumentation, irrigation and root canal filling . So as a professional and student must take the utmost care , prevention and concentration along with a strong knowledge base and a good clinical management during the endodontic procedure in order to reduce endodontic potential complication . To which professional and student should be worrying about account other factors such as a good support to facilitate a radiographic establishing diagnosis and treatment to be performed , the material with which it is in good working condition and is suitable for the procedure was carried out , the patient is put to serve is a person that does not have underlying diseases that can lead to produce complications during endodontic procedure and that of pathology presenting the piece to be treated the patient stated that this influences success or failure of this treatment. Endodontic therapy procedures , as well as other disciplines of dentistry sometimes relates to circumstances unforeseen and undesirable . Accidents during endodontic biomechanics can be defined as those unfortunate events that occur during treatment , some of them due to lack of proper attention to detail and others for being totally unpredictable.
The present investigation determined that not only the lack of dental morphology occur ducts accidents in the middle and apical thirds during endodontic biomechanics, there is always the possibility of accidents and complications and either during opening or trepanation , biomechanical instrumentation, irrigation and root canal filling . So as a professional and student must take the utmost care , prevention and concentration along with a strong knowledge base and a good clinical management during the endodontic procedure in order to reduce endodontic potential complication . To which professional and student should be worrying about account other factors such as a good support to facilitate a radiographic establishing diagnosis and treatment to be performed , the material with which it is in good working condition and is suitable for the procedure was carried out , the patient is put to serve is a person that does not have underlying diseases that can lead to produce complications during endodontic procedure and that of pathology presenting the piece to be treated the patient stated that this influences success or failure of this treatment. Endodontic therapy procedures , as well as other disciplines of dentistry sometimes relates to circumstances unforeseen and undesirable . Accidents during endodontic biomechanics can be defined as those unfortunate events that occur during treatment , some of them due to lack of proper attention to detail and others for being totally unpredictable.
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