Diagnóstico de la situación actual de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ingenieria Quimica. Ingenieria en Sistemas de Calidad y Emprendimiento
El proyecto de investigación presente se desarrolló en cinco fases que serán descritas brevemente a continuación.En la primera fase, El Problema o Diagnóstico,se evaluaron las causas que contribuyen a la situación actual de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química junto con sus posibles efectos en el caso de que las causas no sean solventadas, además de la presentación de lineamientos generales de solución para mitigar los aspectos negativos encontrados. La segunda fase, El Marco Teórico, constó principalmente de la adquisición de conocimientos afines a la problemática encontrada en la Institución con el propósito de plantear alternativas viables y factibles que resuelvan los problemas hallados en la fase de diagnóstico.La tercera fase, El Marco Metodológico,se concentró en la tipología de la investigación,la población a estudiar con sus respectivas muestras obtenidas bajo diversos métodos de muestreo, la aplicación de herramientas de obtención de información tales como encuestas y entrevistas, además de la justificación de las herramientas de software utilizadas para procesar la información obtenida de los sujetos válidos. La cuarta fase, Presentación de Resultados, nos muestra la información obtenida de las diversas muestras estudiadas de forma cuantitativa y gráfica para facilitar la interpretación de los datos obtenidos y priorizar los problemas que deben ser solventados de manera urgente. La fase final, La Propuesta, se enfocó en tomar la información obtenida en las fases de Diagnóstico y de Presentación de Resultados para la aplicación de herramientas de calidad y planeación estratégica ambas siendo alineadas con el modelo de Autoevaluación propuesto por el Consejo de Evaluación, Acreditación y Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Superior del Ecuador (CEAACES) con el objeto de crear un Plan General que trace las directrices generales para solventar los problemas hallados a través de la designación de actividades, plazos y responsables.
The present research project was conducted in five phases which are described briefly continuación.En the first phase, the problem or diagnosis,causes that contribute to the current situation of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering along with possible effects were evaluated in the if the grounds are not in addition to presenting general guidelines eliminate with solutions to mitigate the negative aspects found.The second phase, The Theoretical Framework,consisted primarily of the acquisition of knowledge related to the problem encountered in the organization in order to propose viable and feasible alternatives to solve the problems encountered in the phase diagnóstico.La third phase,The Methodological Framework, concentrated in the type of research, the population study with their respective samples obtained under different sampling methods,the application of tools to obtain information such as surveys and interviews, in addition to the justification of the software tools used to process the information obtained from sixteen subjects. The fourth phase,Presentation of Results, shows the information obtained from the various samples studied quantitative and graphical form to facilitate interpretation of the data and prioritize the problems to be solved urgently.The final phase,The Proposal,focused on taking the information obtained in phases Diagnosis and Presentation of Results for the application of quality tools and strategic planning both being aligned with model Self proposed by the Board of Assessment,Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ecuador(CEAACES)in order to create a General Plan that trace the general guidelines to address them through the appointment of activities,timelines and responsible.
The present research project was conducted in five phases which are described briefly continuación.En the first phase, the problem or diagnosis,causes that contribute to the current situation of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering along with possible effects were evaluated in the if the grounds are not in addition to presenting general guidelines eliminate with solutions to mitigate the negative aspects found.The second phase, The Theoretical Framework,consisted primarily of the acquisition of knowledge related to the problem encountered in the organization in order to propose viable and feasible alternatives to solve the problems encountered in the phase diagnóstico.La third phase,The Methodological Framework, concentrated in the type of research, the population study with their respective samples obtained under different sampling methods,the application of tools to obtain information such as surveys and interviews, in addition to the justification of the software tools used to process the information obtained from sixteen subjects. The fourth phase,Presentation of Results, shows the information obtained from the various samples studied quantitative and graphical form to facilitate interpretation of the data and prioritize the problems to be solved urgently.The final phase,The Proposal,focused on taking the information obtained in phases Diagnosis and Presentation of Results for the application of quality tools and strategic planning both being aligned with model Self proposed by the Board of Assessment,Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ecuador(CEAACES)in order to create a General Plan that trace the general guidelines to address them through the appointment of activities,timelines and responsible.
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