Necropulpectomía de Incisivo Central Superior Izquierdo
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Odontología
Desde hace varias décadas, existen un problemas que no aqueja a los
profesionales de la salud, que no nos ha permitido llegar todavía a un
acuerdo sobre el conocimiento de la patología pulpar, tan necesario para
planear una terapéutica racional; ya que la imposibilidad de diagnosticar la
lesión histopatológica, a pesar de practicar una semiología prolija y
Es evidente que para una correcta aplicación del tratamiento endodontico, es
de mucha importancia establecer un excelente diagnostico de esta manera
se debe relacionar la sintomatología dolorosa con aspectos clínicos y
La historia natural de las enfermedades pulpares es un proceso dinámico
que en cada caso implica la intervención de factores tan diversos como la
etiopatogenia, el lugar y las características de la lesión y la edad del diente
Hay que resaltar, que hoy en día contamos con equipos técnicos que nos
permiten tener una mayor precisión en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las
piezas dentarias.
El procedimiento a realizarse ante una pulpa no vital es la necropulpectomia
la cual debe de seguir un orden necesario para poder obtener los resultados
deseados y así evitar el fracaso.
For several decades , there exists a problem that afflicts not health professionals , which has not yet allowed us to reach a agreement on the knowledge of pulp pathology , as necessary to a rational therapeutic plan , and that failure to diagnose histopathological injury, despite practicing a neat and semiology exhaustive . Obviously for successful application of endodontic treatment is very important to establish a good diagnosis so should be related to pain symptoms and clinical aspects radiographic The natural history of pulp disease is a dynamic process in each case involves the intervention of factors as diverse as the etiology , location and characteristics of the lesion and the age of the tooth affected . It should be noted , that today we have technical teams we allows for better accuracy in the diagnosis and treatment of teeth . The procedure to be performed with a non- vital pulp is necropulpectomia which must follow a necessary order to get the results desired to avoid failure.
For several decades , there exists a problem that afflicts not health professionals , which has not yet allowed us to reach a agreement on the knowledge of pulp pathology , as necessary to a rational therapeutic plan , and that failure to diagnose histopathological injury, despite practicing a neat and semiology exhaustive . Obviously for successful application of endodontic treatment is very important to establish a good diagnosis so should be related to pain symptoms and clinical aspects radiographic The natural history of pulp disease is a dynamic process in each case involves the intervention of factors as diverse as the etiology , location and characteristics of the lesion and the age of the tooth affected . It should be noted , that today we have technical teams we allows for better accuracy in the diagnosis and treatment of teeth . The procedure to be performed with a non- vital pulp is necropulpectomia which must follow a necessary order to get the results desired to avoid failure.
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