La ofimática en la formación escolar de los estudiantes de décimo año, para la asignatura de Ciencias Naturales.
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El presente proyecto se llevó acabo en la Unidad Educativa Fiscal
Monseñor Leonidas Proaño, donde se observó de forma directa la falta de
motivación del desempeño dentro del aula clase, la disponibilidad de
recursos tecnológicos y el grado de participación escolar, imposibilita la
procesión de la personalidad incitando todas las capacidades al progreso
propio y general del estudiante, la investigación se la realizó con la finalidad
de mejorar la formación escolar, mediante una aplicación interactiva,
disponiendo de los recursos tecnológicos que permite la ofimática , para
llevar a efecto la investigación se utilizó la técnica de la entrevista, para
luego efectuar una encuesta que radicaba en contestar de forma individual
un banco de preguntas relacionadas al proyecto educativo propuesto y para
recolectar información verídica del contexto actual en el que se encuentra
la Unidad Educativa verificando la problemática llamando la atención el
inconveniente que tienen los estudiantes para reflexionar y pensar de una
forma crítica. La selección del tema de la investigación no sitúa en un nivel
tal que le facilite decidir lo relativo al diseño de investigación, la forma en
que se recopilarán los datos, los instrumentos y técnicas de procesamiento
de los datos y análisis de los resultados, entre otros aspectos propios del
proceso, es necesario formular un problema susceptible de ser estudiado a
partir del método de investigación de campo.
The present project was carried out in the Monsenor Leonidas Proaño Fiscal Education Unit, where the lack of performance motivation within the class was observed directly, the availability of technological resources and the degree of school participation, makes impossible the procession of the personality inciting all the capacities to the own and general progress of the student, the investigation was carried out with the purpose of improving the school education, by means of an interactive application, having the technological resources that the office allows, to carry out the research the interview technique, to then conduct a survey that was to answer individually a bank of questions related to the proposed educational project and to collect truthful information of the current context in which the Educational Unit is located verifying the problem by calling the attention the inconvenience who have l students to reflect and think critically. The selection of the subject of the research does not place it at a level that makes it easy to decide what is related to the research design, the way in which the data will be collected, the instruments and techniques of data processing and analysis of the results, among others. aspects of the process, it is necessary to formulate a problem that can be studied from the field research method
The present project was carried out in the Monsenor Leonidas Proaño Fiscal Education Unit, where the lack of performance motivation within the class was observed directly, the availability of technological resources and the degree of school participation, makes impossible the procession of the personality inciting all the capacities to the own and general progress of the student, the investigation was carried out with the purpose of improving the school education, by means of an interactive application, having the technological resources that the office allows, to carry out the research the interview technique, to then conduct a survey that was to answer individually a bank of questions related to the proposed educational project and to collect truthful information of the current context in which the Educational Unit is located verifying the problem by calling the attention the inconvenience who have l students to reflect and think critically. The selection of the subject of the research does not place it at a level that makes it easy to decide what is related to the research design, the way in which the data will be collected, the instruments and techniques of data processing and analysis of the results, among others. aspects of the process, it is necessary to formulate a problem that can be studied from the field research method
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