Factores de riesgo de retinopatía en pacientes diabéticos estudio a realizarse en el Hospital-Abel Gilbert Pontón año 2015-2017
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Medicina
La retinopatía diabética, es considerada como una de las patologías secundarias al mal manejo de parámetros glicémicos, siendo los controles clínicos y de laboratorio que junto al mal apego terapéutico, como los factores de riesgo más comunes para el desarrollo de esta patología. En Ecuador no se han registrado datos sobre la asociación entre la retinopatía diabética y los factores de riesgo vinculados; además de no conocer cuáles son las manifestaciones patológicas y diagnosticas (proliferativas y no proliferativas). Nuestro proyecto de titulación de forma analítica y descriptiva se enfocó en 141 pacientes con diabetes mellitus del Hospital-Abel Gilbert Pontón año 2015-2017, con 68% de Hombres , con edades mayoritarias entre 40 y 60 años con 54%, y tendencia al sobrepeso (73%) y su vínculo a enfermedad renal crónica e hipertensión como comorbilidad (43%); siendo el mal apego terapéutico y falta de control clínico como los principales factores de riesgo observados (54 y 46%) y la presencia de retinopatía no proliferativa del 82% y proliferativa 11%.
Diabetic retinopathy is considered as one of the secondary pathologies to the mismanagement of glycemic parameters, being the clinical and laboratory controls that together with the bad therapeutic attachment, as the most common risk factors for the development of this pathology. In Ecuador, no data have been recorded on the association between diabetic retinopathy and the associated risk factors; besides not knowing what are the pathological and diagnostic manifestations (proliferative and non-proliferative). Our titration project analytically and descriptively focused on 141 patients with diabetes mellitus Hospital-Abel Gilbert Ponton 2015-2017, with 68% of men, with ages between 40 and 60 years with 54%, and tendency to overweight (73%) and its link to chronic kidney disease and hypertension as comorbidity (43%); being the poor therapeutic attachment and lack of clinical control as the main risk factors observed (54 and 46%) and the presence of nonproliferative retinopathy of 82% and proliferative 11.
Diabetic retinopathy is considered as one of the secondary pathologies to the mismanagement of glycemic parameters, being the clinical and laboratory controls that together with the bad therapeutic attachment, as the most common risk factors for the development of this pathology. In Ecuador, no data have been recorded on the association between diabetic retinopathy and the associated risk factors; besides not knowing what are the pathological and diagnostic manifestations (proliferative and non-proliferative). Our titration project analytically and descriptively focused on 141 patients with diabetes mellitus Hospital-Abel Gilbert Ponton 2015-2017, with 68% of men, with ages between 40 and 60 years with 54%, and tendency to overweight (73%) and its link to chronic kidney disease and hypertension as comorbidity (43%); being the poor therapeutic attachment and lack of clinical control as the main risk factors observed (54 and 46%) and the presence of nonproliferative retinopathy of 82% and proliferative 11.
Palabras clave
Retinopatía diabética, Diabetes mellitus, Factores de riesgo, Hospital de Especialidades Guayaquil Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Epidemiología descriptiva, Epidemiología analítica