Influencia de la inclusión educativa en la formación docente de los estudiantes de la carrera educadores de párvulos de la facultad de filosofia letras y ciencias de la educación de la universidad de guayaquil año 2013
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Universidad De Guayaquil: Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El presente trabajo de investigación trata sobre la importancia de la inclusión
educativa en la formación docente de las estudiantes en la Carrera de
Educadores de Párvulos de la Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la
Educación de la Universidad de Guayaquil; el considerar la diversidad
constituye un compromiso de la carrera para egresar profesionales capaces
de responder a las demandas con un análisis de las necesidades de sus
estudiantes del nivel inicial y adaptar el contexto tanto curricular como
organizativo. Esto permite que el egresado tenga un perfil integrador que sea
responsable de la práctica docente y capacitado para la toma de decisiones,
cimentadas en conocimientos científicos y pragmáticos inclusivos. Las bases
teóricas de este estudio se sustentaron en teorías y enfoques de
especialistas de educación integradora. La metodología considera para el
desarrollo: el método científico, deductivo y de observación. Los tipos de
investigación utilizados bibliográfica, explicativa y descriptiva. A partir de la
población se determinó una muestra del tipo no probabilística, a la cual se le
aplicó las técnicas de la encuesta. La información recopilada de la
encuesta se representó estadísticamente en tablas, gráficos y análisis de
cada pregunta. Los resultados de este procedimiento permitieron elaborar las
conclusiones y recomendaciones, y justificar la propuesta de diseñar un
programa de actualización pedagógica sobre inclusión educativa para
docentes de la carrera Educadores de Párvulos.
This research paper discusses the importance of inclusive education in teacher training students in Career Educators Párvulos Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Science Education at the University of Guayaquil, the diversity is considered a commitment to graduate career professionals to meet the demands with an analysis of the needs of their students and adapt the initial level both curricular and organizational context. This allows the integrator has a graduate profile that is responsible for the teaching and capable of making decisions, grounded in scientific and pragmatic knowledge inclusive practice. The theoretical bases of this study were based on theories and approaches to inclusive education specialists. The methodology considers development: scientific, deductive and observation method. The types of research used literature, explanatory and descriptive. From a sample of the population probabilistic type, which was applied survey techniques was determined. The information collected in the survey is statistically represented in tables, graphs and analysis of each question. The results of this procedure allowed drawing the conclusions and recommendations, and justifying the proposed design an educational program update on inclusive education for teachers Career Educators Párvulos.
This research paper discusses the importance of inclusive education in teacher training students in Career Educators Párvulos Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Science Education at the University of Guayaquil, the diversity is considered a commitment to graduate career professionals to meet the demands with an analysis of the needs of their students and adapt the initial level both curricular and organizational context. This allows the integrator has a graduate profile that is responsible for the teaching and capable of making decisions, grounded in scientific and pragmatic knowledge inclusive practice. The theoretical bases of this study were based on theories and approaches to inclusive education specialists. The methodology considers development: scientific, deductive and observation method. The types of research used literature, explanatory and descriptive. From a sample of the population probabilistic type, which was applied survey techniques was determined. The information collected in the survey is statistically represented in tables, graphs and analysis of each question. The results of this procedure allowed drawing the conclusions and recommendations, and justifying the proposed design an educational program update on inclusive education for teachers Career Educators Párvulos.
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