Incidencia de la inclusión educativa en la integración del proceso académico de los estudiantes con capacidades diferentes
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Universidad De Guayaquil: Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
La inclusión educativa, involucra un proyecto colectivo político y social, enfocado
desde la mirada de los derechos humanos, donde la igualdad de oportunidades
no significa tratar a todos por igual, sino la posibilidad de equiparar derechos y
obligaciones, respetando las diferencias. Implica un proceso activo de
interacción, concientización y aceptación, donde deben reformularse conceptos,
roles, sentimientos, valores y actitudes, a fin de brindar un adecuado conjunto de
medidas y respuestas educativas acordes a cada persona con discapacidad. El
Estudio de la Inclusión Educativa para estudiantes con capacidades diferentes
de estudiantes de educación superior, tiene como objeto destacar la importancia
de trabajar desde esta etapa en inclusión educativa, pues es el periodo más
significativo de los estudiantes más vulnerables, ya que van adquiriendo en esta
época van adquiriendo rápidamente aprendizaje Al hablar del enfoque inclusivo,
estamos involucrando cambios y modificaciones en los contenidos, estrategias
metodológicas, recursos didácticos, infraestructura adecuada para el acceso a
las aulas, de igual manera se debe dar importancia a la formación de valores
como el respeto, solidaridad y tolerancia, así iremos caminando a un mundo
lleno de inclusiones en donde lo normal sea lo diferente o diverso de cada
persona. Educar en la diversidad no se basa como algunos pretenden en la
adopción de medidas excepcionales para las personas con necesidades
educativas específicas, sino en la adopción de un modelo de currículum que
facilite el aprendizaje de todos los estudiantes con capacidades diferentes en su
Inclusive education involves a political and social collective project , focused from the perspective of human rights , which equal opportunity does not mean treating everyone the same, but the possibility of matching rights and obligations, respecting differences . It involves an active process of interaction , awareness and acceptance, which must be reformulated concepts , roles , feelings, values and attitudes in order to provide an appropriate set of measures and chords to each person with disabilities educational responses . The Study of Educational Inclusion for students with different abilities of students in higher education , aims to highlight the importance of work from this stage on inclusive education , it is the most significant of the period most vulnerable students as they acquire in this learning time are rapidly gaining speaking inclusive approach , involving changes and modifications are in the content, methodological strategies , teaching resources , adequate infrastructure for access to the classroom , just as it should give importance to the development of values such as respect , solidarity and tolerance , so we 'll walk to a place full of inclusions where normal or is it different for each person different world. Educating for diversity not as some claim is based on the adoption of exceptional measures for people with special educational needs, but in the adoption of a model curriculum that facilitates learning of all students with disabilities in their diversity.
Inclusive education involves a political and social collective project , focused from the perspective of human rights , which equal opportunity does not mean treating everyone the same, but the possibility of matching rights and obligations, respecting differences . It involves an active process of interaction , awareness and acceptance, which must be reformulated concepts , roles , feelings, values and attitudes in order to provide an appropriate set of measures and chords to each person with disabilities educational responses . The Study of Educational Inclusion for students with different abilities of students in higher education , aims to highlight the importance of work from this stage on inclusive education , it is the most significant of the period most vulnerable students as they acquire in this learning time are rapidly gaining speaking inclusive approach , involving changes and modifications are in the content, methodological strategies , teaching resources , adequate infrastructure for access to the classroom , just as it should give importance to the development of values such as respect , solidarity and tolerance , so we 'll walk to a place full of inclusions where normal or is it different for each person different world. Educating for diversity not as some claim is based on the adoption of exceptional measures for people with special educational needs, but in the adoption of a model curriculum that facilitates learning of all students with disabilities in their diversity.
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