La planificación estratégica en la gestión educativa en la escuela fiscal N° 450 Cabo 2do Vicente Rosero de la parroquia urbana pascuales cantón guayaquil
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Universidad De Guayaquil: Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
La Escuela Fiscal “Cabo 2º Vicente Rosero”, tiene ciertas falencias en la gestón administrativa practicada sin un modelo definido, existe desorganización y falta de dirección, como consecuencia de la inexistencia de planificaciones institucionales y de documentación que regule y oriente el quehacer educativo, el desempeño docente y del directivo; esta situación se ha evidenciado a través de los años por docentes y padres de familia y las secuelas se pueden advertir en la mala calidad de los servicios educativos que se ofrece, la poca capacidad de toma de decisiones de forma oportuna y eficiente de parte del directivo, la falta de reglamentos y de autoridad permite la demasiada injerencia de los representantes, la indisciplina y el irrespeto a los docentes. Todo administrador debe cumplir con las funciones específicas de su rol como son: Planificar, dirigir, organizar, controlar y coordinar las actividades de la institución, Además contar con habilidades sociales, equilibrio emocional y comunicación fácil, veraz y oportuna, llevar una relación horizontal en el marco del respeto y la igualdad de oportunidades. Es fundamental disponer de un sistema de planificación estratégica, herramienta útil para conseguir el desarrollo, atenuar los factores débiles transformándolos en fortalezas e implementar estrategias y actividades para desaparecer los nudos críticos.Es un valioso documento de diagnóstico, análisis y toma de decisiones colectivas y diseño de planes y proyectos que dirige el quehacer actual y el camino que debe recorrer en el futuro la institución. Esta planificación convierte al centro escolar en un ente proactivo y anticipatorio, posibilita la capacidad de adaptación al sistema cambiante, exigente y dinámico, logrando el máximo de eficiencia, eficacia y calidad en la admistración de la gestíon educativa.
The Public School "Cabo 2º Vicente Rosero" has a management style with no organization or direction due to lack of plans and documentation to regulate and guide education, teaching and performance management. This situation has been evident through the years and the consequences can be noticed in the poor educational services, the limited capacity of decision making in a timely and efficient part of the manager, the lack of regulation and authority allows too much interference by the representatives and the disrespect of the same to the teachers. A director must meet the specific functions of their role such as planning, directing, organizing, controlling and coordinating the activities of the institution. Also they must have social skills, emotional balance and communicate easy both accurate and timely. They must keep a record horizontal the framework of respect and equal opportunities for successful institution. It is essential to have a strategic planning tool to achieve development, mitigating factors, transforming weaknesses into strengths and implement strategies. Strategic planning is a valuable document of diagnosis, analysis and collective decision-making and design of plans and projects to route the current task envisioning the future prosperity to be achieved.This makes planning a school being proactive and anticipatory. It allows the ability to adapt to changing system, demanding and dynamic, achieving maximum efficiency, effectiveness and quality in the presentation of their services, it allows the proper administration of educational management, as it consists of guidelines to follow, the strategies designed chronologically , specifically in time and space, consists of budgets and responsible people. It provides an outline of where you are today and where it is coming, gives the administrator that is clearly at work creating educational quality.
The Public School "Cabo 2º Vicente Rosero" has a management style with no organization or direction due to lack of plans and documentation to regulate and guide education, teaching and performance management. This situation has been evident through the years and the consequences can be noticed in the poor educational services, the limited capacity of decision making in a timely and efficient part of the manager, the lack of regulation and authority allows too much interference by the representatives and the disrespect of the same to the teachers. A director must meet the specific functions of their role such as planning, directing, organizing, controlling and coordinating the activities of the institution. Also they must have social skills, emotional balance and communicate easy both accurate and timely. They must keep a record horizontal the framework of respect and equal opportunities for successful institution. It is essential to have a strategic planning tool to achieve development, mitigating factors, transforming weaknesses into strengths and implement strategies. Strategic planning is a valuable document of diagnosis, analysis and collective decision-making and design of plans and projects to route the current task envisioning the future prosperity to be achieved.This makes planning a school being proactive and anticipatory. It allows the ability to adapt to changing system, demanding and dynamic, achieving maximum efficiency, effectiveness and quality in the presentation of their services, it allows the proper administration of educational management, as it consists of guidelines to follow, the strategies designed chronologically , specifically in time and space, consists of budgets and responsible people. It provides an outline of where you are today and where it is coming, gives the administrator that is clearly at work creating educational quality.
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