Oferta académica y demanda educativa en el colegio particular a distancia Juan León Mera
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Universidad De Guayaquil: Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El propósito de este proyecto es implementar una nueva opciòn en el
colegio particular a distancia juan león mera, que brinde nuevas
oportunidades a los estudiantes interesados en el área de la
construcción, El marco teórico esta sustentado en la teoría
Filosófica, pedagógica, psicológica, sociológica, enfocado al
proceso educativo de trabajo participativo y productivo. Esta
investigación se ha realizado mediante un diagnóstico obtenido de
los resultados de las encuestas realizadas a los estudiantes, padres
de Familia y entrevista a especialistas en el tema de la construcción
.Existen pocas instituciones educativas que brindan este servicio
por lo cual es importante ofrecer a la sociedad educativa nuevas
alternativas de estudio y mano de obra califica. El desarrollo de este
proyecto beneficia a la institución educativa, aporta a los directivos,
estudiantes y en el área de la construcción y a la sociedad en
The purpose of this project is to implement a new private school option in the remote Juan Leon Mera, that provides new opportunities for students interested in the construction area, the theoretical framework is based on the theory philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, sociological , focused on the educational process participatory and productive work. This research was performed using diagnostic results obtained from surveys of students, parents and interviews with specialists in the field of construction. There are few educational institutions that offer this service so it is important to give the educational society alternatives study and labor qualify. The development of this project benefits the school, provides managers, students and the construction area and society in general.
The purpose of this project is to implement a new private school option in the remote Juan Leon Mera, that provides new opportunities for students interested in the construction area, the theoretical framework is based on the theory philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, sociological , focused on the educational process participatory and productive work. This research was performed using diagnostic results obtained from surveys of students, parents and interviews with specialists in the field of construction. There are few educational institutions that offer this service so it is important to give the educational society alternatives study and labor qualify. The development of this project benefits the school, provides managers, students and the construction area and society in general.
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