Manual de procedimiento para organizar los procesos académicos y administrativos en la Escuela de Educación Básica Humberto García Ortiz
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Universidad De Guayaquil: Facultad de Filosofia, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
Al iniciar este proceso de investigación se estableció como propósito elaborar un “manual de procedimientos para organizar los procesos académicos y administrativos”, con el cual se busca dar solución a los problemas que causan el desconocimiento de los procedimientos, las normas, leyes y reglamentos a los cuales se deben acoger los docentes y directivo de la Escuela de Educación Básica Fiscal “Humberto García Ortiz”. Este estudio de caso avalará las conceptualizaciones mediante un marco teórico y las bases teóricas, los cuales ayudarán a fundamentar de manera científica las variables. Para el mismo se analizó, diseñó y desarrolló un manual donde se establecieron los procedimientos a seguir basándose en las leyes previamente definidas en los diferentes estamentos legales, para dar celeridad a los procesos y tener un documento que garantice la labor realizada. Para esto se ha realizado la debida planeación del proceso investigativo con un enfoque cualitativo, dando inicio a la recopilación de la información de manera empírica y de campo, empezando por observar las actividades rutinarias de la escuela en busca de las causas que provocan o generan inconvenientes en el desarrollo organizacional de la institución y que forman parte de los requerimientos que apoyan la propuesta. Se realizó una encuesta a los docentes basada en la escala de Likert. Esta información fue recopilada, debidamente organizada y tabulada para su mejor comprensión, así como una entrevista a un especialista para sustentar así los datos obtenidos de la observación. Es importante indicar que la propuesta de manual presentada ayudará a mejorar el desarrollo de los procesos internos y de proyección externa de la escuela mencionada, lo cual beneficiará de manera directa en su desempeño al directivo y docentes y de manera indirecta a estudiantes, padres de familia y demás comunidad educativa, quienes al mejorar los procesos, recibirán una educación y atención óptima, razón por la que este manual será un instrumento de apoyo.
When you start this process of investigation was established purpose develop a "manual procedure for organizing academic and administrative processes", with which it seeks to solve the problems caused by the lack of procedures, standards, laws and regulations to which should accommodate teachers and school officials "Humberto García Ortiz". This case study, endorse conceptualizations through a theoretical framework and theoretical basis; which will help to substantiate scientifically variables for the same, analyzed, designed and developed a manual for the procedures based on the laws previously established in the different legal statuses, in order to speed processes were established and have a document that guarantees the work. To this it has been done the proper planning of the research process with a qualitative approach, starting the collection of information empirically, and field; starting observe the phenomenon that causes or creates the causes that initiated the problem and part of the requirements to support the proposal. a survey with Likert scale and an interview was conducted specialists for information, the same as it was collected, properly organized and tabulated for better understanding. It is important to note that the proposal will help improve the development of internal processes and external projection of the mentioned school, which will benefit managers and teachers directly, students, parents, and school community so hint; this manual being an instrument that can be accepted for all schools to improve their internal process, maintaining a climate among the staff.
When you start this process of investigation was established purpose develop a "manual procedure for organizing academic and administrative processes", with which it seeks to solve the problems caused by the lack of procedures, standards, laws and regulations to which should accommodate teachers and school officials "Humberto García Ortiz". This case study, endorse conceptualizations through a theoretical framework and theoretical basis; which will help to substantiate scientifically variables for the same, analyzed, designed and developed a manual for the procedures based on the laws previously established in the different legal statuses, in order to speed processes were established and have a document that guarantees the work. To this it has been done the proper planning of the research process with a qualitative approach, starting the collection of information empirically, and field; starting observe the phenomenon that causes or creates the causes that initiated the problem and part of the requirements to support the proposal. a survey with Likert scale and an interview was conducted specialists for information, the same as it was collected, properly organized and tabulated for better understanding. It is important to note that the proposal will help improve the development of internal processes and external projection of the mentioned school, which will benefit managers and teachers directly, students, parents, and school community so hint; this manual being an instrument that can be accepted for all schools to improve their internal process, maintaining a climate among the staff.
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