Factores de riesgo de la criptococosis en pacientes con vih en el Hospital de Infectología Dr. José Daniel Rodríguez Maridueña en el período 2015-2016
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Medicina
Antecedentes: La criptococosis es una infección fúngica sistémica que afecta
fundamentalmente a pacientes inmunocomprometidos. La incidencia de la infección presentó
un aumento aparejado al de la epidemia del síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (sida)
desde su inicio en la década de 1980.La criptococosis se considera una de las micosis
oportunistas más importantes en los últimos tiempos; a pesar de esto, en Ecuador son pocos los
reportes relacionados con la misma.
Métodos: El presente estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo de diseño no experimental, de corte
transversal y retrospectivo con la utilización del método de observación analítica, cuyo objetivo
es proveer información sobre los factores de riesgo de la Criptococosis en personas con VIH.
Se revisaron 115 historias clínicas de pacientes con VIH que presentaron Criptococosis y fueron
ingresados en el Hospital Dr. José Daniel Rodríguez Maridueña, durante el periodo 2015-2016.
Resultados: Se evidenció que la concentración sanguínea menor de 200 CD4 cel/mm3
constituyó el factor más preponderante para la manifestación de la criptococosis, además se
pudo constatar que la infección por criptococo se presentó mayormente en la población que
habita en áreas Rurales.
Background: Cryptococcosis is a systemic fungal infection that primarily affects immunocompromised patients. The incidence of infection increased as a result of the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) since its inception in the 1980s. Cryptococcosis is considered one of the most important opportunistic mycoses in recent times; Despite this, in Ecuador there are few reports related to it. Methods: The present study has a quantitative approach of non-experimental cross-sectional and retrospective design with the use of the analytical observation method for a wide information on the subject, whose objective is to provide information on the risk factors of Cryptococcosis in People with HIV. We reviewed 115 medical records of patients with HIV who presented Cryptococcosis and were admitted to the Dr. José Daniel Rodríguez Maridueña Hospital during the period 2015-2016. Results: It was evidenced that the blood concentration of less than 200 CD4 cells / mm3 was the most important factor for the manifestation of cryptococcosis, and it was possible to verify that cryptococcal infection was present mainly in the population living in rural areas.
Background: Cryptococcosis is a systemic fungal infection that primarily affects immunocompromised patients. The incidence of infection increased as a result of the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) since its inception in the 1980s. Cryptococcosis is considered one of the most important opportunistic mycoses in recent times; Despite this, in Ecuador there are few reports related to it. Methods: The present study has a quantitative approach of non-experimental cross-sectional and retrospective design with the use of the analytical observation method for a wide information on the subject, whose objective is to provide information on the risk factors of Cryptococcosis in People with HIV. We reviewed 115 medical records of patients with HIV who presented Cryptococcosis and were admitted to the Dr. José Daniel Rodríguez Maridueña Hospital during the period 2015-2016. Results: It was evidenced that the blood concentration of less than 200 CD4 cells / mm3 was the most important factor for the manifestation of cryptococcosis, and it was possible to verify that cryptococcal infection was present mainly in the population living in rural areas.
Palabras clave
Virus de inmunodeficiencia humana, Criptococosis, Estudios retrospectivos, Hospital de Infectología Dr. José Daniel Rodríguez Maridueña, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador