Asociación del apiñamiento anteroinferior con la presencia del tercer molar mandibular
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
El apiñamiento anteroinferior es uno de los problemas de maloclusión de etiología multifactorial más frecuentes en la población. Moyers2 definió al apiñamiento, como la desarmonía entre el tamaño de los dientes y el espacio disponible para ellos.17
Proffit y colaboradores21 comprobaron que al menos un tercio de la población tenía algún incisivo moderadamente irregular, y casi el 15% presentaba irregularidades extremas, siendo más frecuentes los
problemas de irregularidades en la arcada inferior. Basandose en su etiología el apiñamiento fue clasificado por Van der
Linden como primario, secundario y terciario. El primario es definido como
una discrepancia innata entre el tamaño del diente y el tamaño de los maxilares, este es principalmente de origen genético; el secundario es causado por factores ambientales que actúan sobre la dentición, tales como la pérdida prematura de dientes deciduos; el terciario se refiere al
apiñamiento que se presenta mientras continua el crecimiento mandibular
y puede ser de dos tipos, asociada a la dentición mixta o asociada a la
presencia, formación y erupción del tercer molar inferior y a las fuerzas de
mesialización de los dientes.25
Como uno de los diferentes factores etiológicos asociados a esta
maloclusión se menciona la erupción de los terceros molares mandibulares. Se ha sostenido que los mismos pueden generar una
fuerza anterior o movimiento mesial de los dientes posteriores lo cual
traerá como consecuencia el apiñamiento de los incisivos inferiores. Sin
embargo, esta fuerza mesial no puede ser detectada fácilmente. Richardson 25 expuso que, para que el tercer molar erupcionara, se creaba un espacio mediante movimientos hacia delante del resto de los dientes
de la arcada. Richardson24 y Niedzielska18 llegaron a la conclusión de 2 que si los terceros molares erupcionaban con espacio no producirían ningún problema en otros dientes. Sin embargo, si erupcionan sin
espacio, pueden agravar el problema ya existente de apiñamiento.
Carbonell5 y Collante y colaboradores6 relacionan directamente el tercer
molar con el apiñamiento. Sin embargo, Andreasen y colaboradores2
estudiaron 35 pacientes con este problema, obteniendo como resultado que los terceros molares no influyeron en la estabilidad de los resultados ortodónticos evaluados.
The anterior crowding is one of the problems of malocclusion Frequently multifactorial etiology in the population. Moyers2 defined the crowding, as disharmony between tooth size and space available to them.17 Colaboradores21 proffit and found that at least one third of the population had some moderately irregular incisive , and nearly 15% showed extreme irregularities , frequently being problems of irregularities in the lower arch . Based on its etiology crowding was classified by Van der Linden as primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary is defined as innate discrepancy between the size of the tooth and the size of the jaws, this is primarily genetic , the secondary is caused by environmental factors acting on the dentition , such as premature loss of deciduous teeth refers to the tertiary crowding that occurs while continuing mandibular growth and can be of two types , associated with mixed dentition or associated presence , formation and eruption of the third molar and the forces of mesialization of dientes.25 As one of several risk factors associated with this malocclusion eruption of the third molars mentioned mandibular . It has been argued that they can generate a anterior force or mesial movement of the posterior teeth which It will result in crowding of the lower incisors . without But this mesial force can not easily be detected. Richardson25 stated that for the third molars erupt , was created a space by forward movement of the remaining teeth arcade . Niedzielska18 Richardson24 and came to the conclusion 2 if third molars erupting with space not produce no problem in other teeth. However, if erupt without space , may aggravate existing overcrowding problem. Collantes and colaboradores6 Carbonell5 and relate directly the third molar crowding. However, Andreasen et al.2 studied 35 patients with this problem , obtaining as a result third molars that did not influence the stability of the results orthodontic evaluated.
The anterior crowding is one of the problems of malocclusion Frequently multifactorial etiology in the population. Moyers2 defined the crowding, as disharmony between tooth size and space available to them.17 Colaboradores21 proffit and found that at least one third of the population had some moderately irregular incisive , and nearly 15% showed extreme irregularities , frequently being problems of irregularities in the lower arch . Based on its etiology crowding was classified by Van der Linden as primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary is defined as innate discrepancy between the size of the tooth and the size of the jaws, this is primarily genetic , the secondary is caused by environmental factors acting on the dentition , such as premature loss of deciduous teeth refers to the tertiary crowding that occurs while continuing mandibular growth and can be of two types , associated with mixed dentition or associated presence , formation and eruption of the third molar and the forces of mesialization of dientes.25 As one of several risk factors associated with this malocclusion eruption of the third molars mentioned mandibular . It has been argued that they can generate a anterior force or mesial movement of the posterior teeth which It will result in crowding of the lower incisors . without But this mesial force can not easily be detected. Richardson25 stated that for the third molars erupt , was created a space by forward movement of the remaining teeth arcade . Niedzielska18 Richardson24 and came to the conclusion 2 if third molars erupting with space not produce no problem in other teeth. However, if erupt without space , may aggravate existing overcrowding problem. Collantes and colaboradores6 Carbonell5 and relate directly the third molar crowding. However, Andreasen et al.2 studied 35 patients with this problem , obtaining as a result third molars that did not influence the stability of the results orthodontic evaluated.
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