Niveles de Cadmio, Cromo, Plomo, y su Bioacumulación por Mytella Strigata delimitando la zona urbano-marginal en el Estero Salado de Guayaquil
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Magíster en Ciencias : Manejo Sustentable de Biorrecursos y Medio Ambiente
El presente estudio consistió en identificar la presencia de metales pesados denominados como elementos contaminantes los cuales fueron Cadmio,Cromo y Plomo, que afectan los cambios físicos, químicos y biológicos en la columna de agua en 5 espacios del Estero Salado de Guayaquil, y determinar la bioacumulación de estos elementos en el contenido visceral de la especie de mejillón Mytella strigata que habita de forma natural en el cuerpo de agua salobre.El objetivo general, fue de evaluar la presencia de tres minerales pesados contaminantes Cadmio, Cromo total y Plomo en la columna de agua y su bioacumulación en contenido visceral del mejillón Mytella strigata, presentes en el Estero Salado de la ciudad de Guayaquil.Los elementos contaminantes que fueron propuestos en el estudio Cd,Cr y Pb,están presentes en el agua del Estero Salado de Guayaquil y en los mejillones y se encuentran en niveles que sobrepasan los Límites Máximo Permitidos, ubicados en las normas del TULSMA,exceptuando el Cr tanto en el agua como en los mejillones que está dentro de la norma.Con la presencia de elementos como Cd, y Pb en los mejillones,determinó la relación entre el medio acuático y la fauna presente en el mismo, además que en las especies de estudio los datos indican una bioacumulación y que las edades de los mismos puede influenciar en el proceso de bioacumulación, como el Cadmio no importa la edad o talla del molusco,que al contrario del Pb,que indican los resultados que si hay diferencia de bioacumulación por edades.
The present study was to identify the presence of heavy metal contaminants known as which were Cadmium, Chromium and Lead, affecting the physical, chemical and biological changes in the water column by 5 spaces del Estero Salado in Guayaquil , and determine the bioaccumulation of these elements in the visceral content Mytella mussel species inhabiting strigata naturally in the water body salobre.El overall objective was to evaluate the presence of three heavy mineral contaminants Cadmium, Chromium and Lead in Total column water and its bioaccumulation in mussel visceral content Mytella strigata present in the Estero Salado city Guayaquil.Los contaminants which were proposed in the Cd , Cr and Pb study, are present in the water and Estero Salado in Guayaquil in mussels and are at levels that exceed the Maximum Allowable Limits, located in TULSMA standards,except Cr in both water and mussels that is within the norma.Con the presence of elements such as Cd, and Pb in mussels,determined the relationship between the environment and present in the same fauna, as well as in the species of study data indicate bioaccumulation and that their ages may influence the process of bioaccumulation like Cadmium no regardless of age or size of the mollusk, which unlike the Pb,the results indicate that if there is age difference bioaccumulation
The present study was to identify the presence of heavy metal contaminants known as which were Cadmium, Chromium and Lead, affecting the physical, chemical and biological changes in the water column by 5 spaces del Estero Salado in Guayaquil , and determine the bioaccumulation of these elements in the visceral content Mytella mussel species inhabiting strigata naturally in the water body salobre.El overall objective was to evaluate the presence of three heavy mineral contaminants Cadmium, Chromium and Lead in Total column water and its bioaccumulation in mussel visceral content Mytella strigata present in the Estero Salado city Guayaquil.Los contaminants which were proposed in the Cd , Cr and Pb study, are present in the water and Estero Salado in Guayaquil in mussels and are at levels that exceed the Maximum Allowable Limits, located in TULSMA standards,except Cr in both water and mussels that is within the norma.Con the presence of elements such as Cd, and Pb in mussels,determined the relationship between the environment and present in the same fauna, as well as in the species of study data indicate bioaccumulation and that their ages may influence the process of bioaccumulation like Cadmium no regardless of age or size of the mollusk, which unlike the Pb,the results indicate that if there is age difference bioaccumulation
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