El odontoma asociado a los dientes retenidos, diagnóstico radiográfico y tratamiento quirúrgico
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
Las anomalías y alteraciones en el desarrollo dentario se presentan con relativa frecuencia durante la dentición mixta. La erupción de los dientes permanentes puede verse afectada por trastornos ocasionados por diferentes factores etiológicos, dentro de los cuales se encuentra la obstrucción mecánica producida por odontomas.
Los odontomas son los tumores Odontogénicos con mayor frecuencia de aparición y representan el 51% de todos los tumores Odontogénicos. Diversos autores han clasificado los odontomas de distintas formas. Así encontramos que los han dividido en odontoma compuesto y complejo. (1 Avances en Odontoestomatología. Versión impresa. 2008.)
El odontoma compuesto es una malformación en la que están representados todos los tejidos dentarios con un patrón más ordenado que un odontoma complejo, de modo que la lesión consiste en muchas estructuras de aspecto dentario. La mayoría no mantiene la estructura de la dentición normal, pero en cada una el esmalte, la dentina, el cemento y la pulpa están dispuestos como en el diente normal.
El odontoma complejo es una malformación en la que están representados todos los tejidos dentarios, en general bien formados individualmente pero dispuestos según un patrón más o menos desordenado.
Una característica importante e indispensable de esta lesión es que contiene los distintos tejidos de la pieza dentaria adulta. Se conocen dos variedades: odontoma compuesto y odontoma complejo. La mayoría de los odontomas son detectados durante las primeras dos décadas de vida. La mayoría de estas lesiones son completamente asintomáticas, siendo descubiertas en una examinación radiográfica de rutina o cuando las radiografías son tomadas para determinar la razón de la no erupción dental. Los odontomas son relativamente pequeños y raramente superan
el tamaño del diente en el área donde está localizado. Sin embargo los odontomas de 6 cm o de mayor diámetro son vistos ocasionalmente, estos odontomas grandes pueden causar una expansión de los maxilares. Los odontomas de alguna manera son más frecuentes en el maxilar que en la mandíbula. ( Dinatale E. Neuralgia, Acta Odontol Venez 2003)
Existen controversias con respecto a cuándo eliminar este tipo de obstrucciones. Algunos estudios recomiendan hacerlo de manera precoz, con el fin de minimizar los efectos que estos pueden producir (pérdida del potencial de erupción, pérdida de espacio, desviación de línea media, laceraciones de las raíces de las piezas dentarias cercanas, cierres apicales prematuros, problemas sicosociales por retención prolongada de incisivos centrales superiores permanentes y tratamientos más extensos) mientras que otros aconsejan observar si estas alteraciones producen alguna afección a nivel radicular en las piezas vecinas que justifiquen su remoción.
Abnormalities and impaired tooth development occur relatively frequently during the mixed dentition . The eruption of permanent teeth may be affected by conditions caused by different etiological factors , among which the mechanical obstruction is produced by odontomas . Odontomas Odontogenic tumors are the most frequently occurring and represent 51 % of all odontogenic tumors. Several authors have classified odontomas in different ways. Thus we find that divided into compound and complex odontoma. ( 1 Advances in dentistry . Printer friendly version . , 2008 . ) The compound odontoma is a malformation in which all dental tissues are represented with a pattern more complex odontoma ordered , so that the lesion consists of many structures tooth appearance. Most do not maintain the structure of the normal dentition , but in each enamel , dentin , cementum and pulp are arranged as in the normal tooth. The complex odontoma is a malformation in which all dental tissues generally well trained individually but arranged in a more or less disorderly pattern are represented. An important and indispensable feature of this lesion is that it contains the different tissues of the adult tooth. Two varieties are known: compound odontoma and complex odontoma. Most odontomas are detected during the first two decades of life. Most of these injuries are completely asymptomatic, being discovered in a routine radiographic examination or when radiographs are taken to determine the reason for non- dental eruption. Odontomas are relatively small and rarely exceed 2 tooth size in the area where it is located. However odontomas 6 cm or larger in diameter are occasionally seen , these great odontomas can cause an expansion of the jaws. Odontomas somehow are more common in the maxilla than in the mandible . ( Dinatale E. Neuralgia , Venez Odontol Act 2003) There is controversy about when to remove such obstructions. Some studies recommend it early, in order to minimize the effects that they can produce ( potential loss rash , loss of space midline deviation , lacerations of the roots of teeth nearby , apical premature closures , problems psychosocial by prolonged retention of permanent upper central incisors and longer ) treatments while others advise observe whether these alterations cause any condition to the root level in the neighboring parts to justify his removal.
Abnormalities and impaired tooth development occur relatively frequently during the mixed dentition . The eruption of permanent teeth may be affected by conditions caused by different etiological factors , among which the mechanical obstruction is produced by odontomas . Odontomas Odontogenic tumors are the most frequently occurring and represent 51 % of all odontogenic tumors. Several authors have classified odontomas in different ways. Thus we find that divided into compound and complex odontoma. ( 1 Advances in dentistry . Printer friendly version . , 2008 . ) The compound odontoma is a malformation in which all dental tissues are represented with a pattern more complex odontoma ordered , so that the lesion consists of many structures tooth appearance. Most do not maintain the structure of the normal dentition , but in each enamel , dentin , cementum and pulp are arranged as in the normal tooth. The complex odontoma is a malformation in which all dental tissues generally well trained individually but arranged in a more or less disorderly pattern are represented. An important and indispensable feature of this lesion is that it contains the different tissues of the adult tooth. Two varieties are known: compound odontoma and complex odontoma. Most odontomas are detected during the first two decades of life. Most of these injuries are completely asymptomatic, being discovered in a routine radiographic examination or when radiographs are taken to determine the reason for non- dental eruption. Odontomas are relatively small and rarely exceed 2 tooth size in the area where it is located. However odontomas 6 cm or larger in diameter are occasionally seen , these great odontomas can cause an expansion of the jaws. Odontomas somehow are more common in the maxilla than in the mandible . ( Dinatale E. Neuralgia , Venez Odontol Act 2003) There is controversy about when to remove such obstructions. Some studies recommend it early, in order to minimize the effects that they can produce ( potential loss rash , loss of space midline deviation , lacerations of the roots of teeth nearby , apical premature closures , problems psychosocial by prolonged retention of permanent upper central incisors and longer ) treatments while others advise observe whether these alterations cause any condition to the root level in the neighboring parts to justify his removal.
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