Alternativa para sustitución de coagulantes metálicos aplicando almidón de yuca y moringa oleífera en tratamiento de aguas superficiales
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ingeniería Química
En esta investigación se estudió la efectividad de los componentes orgánicos moleculares de la semilla de moringa y el almidón de la manihot esculenta (yuca) para el tratamiento de aguas superficiales y se demostró que dichos compuestos orgánicos pueden reemplazar los compuestos metálicos normalmente utilizados. Se determinó como éstos compuestos forman el floc debido a diversas reacciones iónicas que tienen lugar al estar en contacto con los coloides presentes en el agua, lo cual se evidenció con muestras de agua obtenidas del Río Vinces lo cual se hizo con procedimientos y protocolos de custodia controlando ph y temperatura. Obtenidas las moléculas de moringa, se realizó una filtración al vacío con etanol para extraer el aceite de las semillas, la pasta libre de aceite fue mezclada en una solución salina 2,5 molar y luego pasó a una etapa de filtración. Obtenido el almidón de yuca, éste se mezcló con 8 gramos de hidróxido de sodio para lograr la gelatinización y obtener libremente las moléculas de amilosa y amilopectina. Con las soluciones preparadas se añadieron distintas dosis a las muestras durante el test de jarras. Se obtuvo que con dosis de 17,5 mg/L en combinación con 0,5 mg/L de almidón de yuca se consiguió una turbiedad final de 1,60 NTU y 6 Pt/Cu de color, removiendo el 97,95% y el 82,35% respectivamente, el pH final fue de 7,53. La materia orgánica disminuyó en un 61,25% y la remoción de coliformes fecales fue del 100%.
In this research, the effectiveness of the molecular organic components of the moringa seed and starch of the manihot esculenta (yucca) for the treatment of surface waters was studied and proved to be practical. The type of change of the ways in which the samples were found with the water was determined, which was evidenced by the Rio Vinces water samples that were made with custody procedures and protocols. controlling ph and temperature. Obtained the moringa molecules, the oil-free paste was extracted in a 2.5 molar saline solution and then passed to a filtration stage. Obtained cassava starch, this was mixed with 8 grams of sodium hydroxide to achieve gelatinization and freely obtain amylose and amylopectin molecules. With the solutions prepared, other doses can be added to the tests during the jar test. It was obtained that with a dose of 17.5 mg / L in combination with 0.5 mg / L of cassava starch, a final turbidity of 1.60 NTU and 6 Pt / Cu of color was obtained, removing 97.95% and 82.35% respectively, the final pH was 7.53. The organic matter decreased by 61.25% and the removal of coliforms was 100%.
In this research, the effectiveness of the molecular organic components of the moringa seed and starch of the manihot esculenta (yucca) for the treatment of surface waters was studied and proved to be practical. The type of change of the ways in which the samples were found with the water was determined, which was evidenced by the Rio Vinces water samples that were made with custody procedures and protocols. controlling ph and temperature. Obtained the moringa molecules, the oil-free paste was extracted in a 2.5 molar saline solution and then passed to a filtration stage. Obtained cassava starch, this was mixed with 8 grams of sodium hydroxide to achieve gelatinization and freely obtain amylose and amylopectin molecules. With the solutions prepared, other doses can be added to the tests during the jar test. It was obtained that with a dose of 17.5 mg / L in combination with 0.5 mg / L of cassava starch, a final turbidity of 1.60 NTU and 6 Pt / Cu of color was obtained, removing 97.95% and 82.35% respectively, the final pH was 7.53. The organic matter decreased by 61.25% and the removal of coliforms was 100%.
Palabras clave
Moringa Oleifera, Almidón de yuca, Tratamiento de Agua, Aguas Superficiales, Coagulantes orgánicos, Coliformes fecales