Efectos adversos de la infección periodontal en el control glicémico
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La importancia de este trabajo de investigación es poder determinar los
efectos adversos de la infección periodontal en el control glicémico.
Los métodos utilizados en la presente investigación son: de tipo analítico,
ya que se distinguen los elementos de un fenómeno y se procede a
revisar ordenadamente cada uno de ellos por separado; es de tipo
sintético ya que se relaciona hechos aparentemente aislados y se formula
una teoría que unifica los diversos elementos; es de tipo deductivo, ya
que se presenta conceptos, definiciones, leyes o normas generales, de
las cuales se extrae conclusiones; es de tipo inductivo, ya que la
conclusión es sacada del estudio de todos los elementos que forman el
objetivo de investigación.
Los materiales utilizados en este trabajo investigativo son revistas, libros,
editoriales, que relacionan la infección periodontal respecto al control
Dentro de los objetivos de esta investigación tenemos establecer las
desventajas de la infección periodontal en pacientes diabéticos sin control
glicémico, analizar el riesgo de tratamientos odontológicos en pacientes
glicémicos, reconocer cuales son los signos y síntomas de la enfermedad
periodontal en pacientes glicémicos, y aplicar la conducta a seguir en
tratamientos periodontales relacionados al control glicémicos
La enfermedad periodontal es un proceso patológico que afecta los tejidos
del periodonto. El periodonto está constituido por la mucosa masticatoria
(periodonto de protección), hueso alveolar, ligamento periodontal y
cemento (periodonto de inserción). Esta enfermedad se caracteriza por la
inflamación de los tejidos periodontales debido a un proceso infeccioso
que puede llevar a una destrucción crónica de estos tejidos, conduciendo
a la formación de sacos periodontales (perdidas de inserción) y a la
consecuente pérdida dental.
The importance of this research is to determine the adverse effects of periodontal infection on glycemic control. The methods used in this research are: analytic , as the elements are distinguished phenomenon and proceeds to orderly review each separately, is of type Synthetic as apparently isolated facts relates and formulated a theory that unifies the various elements , is deductive , and that concepts , definitions, laws or rules is presented in which conclusions are drawn , it is an inductive load , as the conclusion is drawn from the study of all the elements forming the research objective . The materials used in this research work are magazines, books, publishing , linking periodontal infection compared to the control glycemic . Among the objectives of this research we set Disadvantages of the periodontal infection in uncontrolled diabetics glycemic , analyze the risk of dental treatments in patients glycemic , which recognize the signs and symptoms of the disease glycemic periodontal patients , and apply the action to take in periodontal treatment related to Glycemic Control Periodontal disease is a disease process affecting the tissues Periodontal . The periodontium consists mucosa masticatory ( periodontal protection ) , alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cement ( periodontal insertion ) . This disease is characterized by the inflammation of the periodontal tissues due to an infectious process which can lead to chronic destruction of these tissues , leading to the formation of periodontal pockets (You insertion loss ) and consequent tooth loss.
The importance of this research is to determine the adverse effects of periodontal infection on glycemic control. The methods used in this research are: analytic , as the elements are distinguished phenomenon and proceeds to orderly review each separately, is of type Synthetic as apparently isolated facts relates and formulated a theory that unifies the various elements , is deductive , and that concepts , definitions, laws or rules is presented in which conclusions are drawn , it is an inductive load , as the conclusion is drawn from the study of all the elements forming the research objective . The materials used in this research work are magazines, books, publishing , linking periodontal infection compared to the control glycemic . Among the objectives of this research we set Disadvantages of the periodontal infection in uncontrolled diabetics glycemic , analyze the risk of dental treatments in patients glycemic , which recognize the signs and symptoms of the disease glycemic periodontal patients , and apply the action to take in periodontal treatment related to Glycemic Control Periodontal disease is a disease process affecting the tissues Periodontal . The periodontium consists mucosa masticatory ( periodontal protection ) , alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cement ( periodontal insertion ) . This disease is characterized by the inflammation of the periodontal tissues due to an infectious process which can lead to chronic destruction of these tissues , leading to the formation of periodontal pockets (You insertion loss ) and consequent tooth loss.
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