Factores de riesgo, de insuficiencia cardíaca en pacientes adultos, del Departamento de Medicina Interna, del Hospital Abel Gilbert Pontón, años 2014-2015
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Medicina
En la actualidad, existen aproximadamente 26 millones de personas en el mundo con insuficiencia cardíaca. Las perspectivas de vida para estos pacientes es pobre, con tasas de supervivencia peores que los de colon, cáncer de mama o de próstata y alrededor de 17 millones de personas fallecen cada año en el mundo por enfermedades cardiovasculares (Rozman C, 2012).
La prevalencia de esta enfermedad incrementa con la edad, la Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que el 1-2% de la población adulto tiene insuficiencia cardiaca, pero en mayores de 65-70 años, el porcentaje es superior al 10%. Debido a la mortalidad elevada, los costos que genera y la magnitud creciente en los últimos años, es considerada un problema de salud pública (Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2014).
En la génesis de la enfermedad arterioesclerosa, la complicación principal de una arteria obstruida es la isquemia crónica con o sin Infarto cardiaco el cual puede cursar con una sobrevida marcada por el deterioro paulatino de la función ventricular lo cual generara múltiples reingresos hospitalarios (11) La cardiopatía arterioesclerótica es considerada como la única patología cardiovascular que tiende a incrementar la incidencia como la prevalencia de la insuficiencia cardiaca en el tiempo. (12)
Esta investigación tuvo como propósito analizar los factores de riesgo de Insuficiencia Cardíaca en pacientes Adultos del Departamento de Medicina Interna del Hospital Abel Gilbert Pontón, años 2014-2015, esto permitió actualizar información de esta patología y conocer el estado actual en nuestro hospital, este trabajo ayudará a disminuir el índice de complicaciones a través de estrategias de prevención a crear protocolos de manejo adecuados, que ayuden a preservar la función cardíaca.
Se analizó los antecedentes evolutivos de la enfermedad, su incidencia a nivel mundial, epidemiología, antecedentes patológicos, clasificación funcional, complicaciones, secuelas y factores de riesgo en este grupo etario.
El trabajo de titulación es de tipo descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo. Se analizó la información de todos los pacientes Adultos, con insuficiencia cardiaca ingresados en el Hospital Abel Gilbert Pontón, captados en el 2014-2015. Se estableció los factores causales y de riesgo en relación con edad, sexo y su incidencia, se comparó con la estadística internacional de la región y se determinó los resultados favorables, los que tuvieron complicaciones y el índice de mortalidad. Se espera que este estudio sea base para el Hospital Abel Gilbert Pontón para futuras investigaciones comparativas con otros métodos de tratamiento.
Currently, there are approximately 26 million people in the world with heart failure. The life prospects for these patients are poor, with worse survival rates than those of colon, breast or prostate cancer and around 17 million people die every year in the world due to cardiovascular diseases (Rozman C, 2012). The prevalence of this disease increases with age, the World Health Organization estimates that 1-2% of the adult population has heart failure, but in adults over 65-70 years, the percentage is greater than 10%. Due to the high mortality, the costs it generates and the increasing magnitude in recent years, it is considered a public health problem (World Health Organization, 2014). In the genesis of arteriosclerosis, the main complication of an obstructed artery is chronic ischaemia with or without cardiac infarction, which can lead to a survival marked by the gradual deterioration of ventricular function, which will generate multiple hospital readmissions (11). arteriosclerotic heart disease is considered the only cardiovascular pathology that tends to increase the incidence as the prevalence of heart failure over time. (12) The purpose of this research was to analyze the risk factors of Heart Failure in Adults patients of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Abel Gilbert Pontón Hospital, years 2014-2015, this allowed to update information about this pathology and to know the current state in our hospital, this work will help to reduce the rate of complications through prevention strategies to create adequate management protocols that help preserve cardiac function. The evolutionary antecedents of the disease, its worldwide incidence, epidemiology, pathological background, functional classification, complications, sequelae and risk factors in this age group were analyzed. eleven The degree work is descriptive, transversal and retrospective. We analyzed the information of all adult patients with heart failure admitted to the Abel Gilbert Pontón Hospital, recruited in 2014-2015. The causal and risk factors were established in relation to age, sex and its incidence, it was compared with the international statistics of the region and the favorable results were determined, as well as those that had complications and the mortality rate. It is expected that this study will be a basis for the Abel Gilbert Pontón Hospital for future comparative research with other treatment methods.
Currently, there are approximately 26 million people in the world with heart failure. The life prospects for these patients are poor, with worse survival rates than those of colon, breast or prostate cancer and around 17 million people die every year in the world due to cardiovascular diseases (Rozman C, 2012). The prevalence of this disease increases with age, the World Health Organization estimates that 1-2% of the adult population has heart failure, but in adults over 65-70 years, the percentage is greater than 10%. Due to the high mortality, the costs it generates and the increasing magnitude in recent years, it is considered a public health problem (World Health Organization, 2014). In the genesis of arteriosclerosis, the main complication of an obstructed artery is chronic ischaemia with or without cardiac infarction, which can lead to a survival marked by the gradual deterioration of ventricular function, which will generate multiple hospital readmissions (11). arteriosclerotic heart disease is considered the only cardiovascular pathology that tends to increase the incidence as the prevalence of heart failure over time. (12) The purpose of this research was to analyze the risk factors of Heart Failure in Adults patients of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Abel Gilbert Pontón Hospital, years 2014-2015, this allowed to update information about this pathology and to know the current state in our hospital, this work will help to reduce the rate of complications through prevention strategies to create adequate management protocols that help preserve cardiac function. The evolutionary antecedents of the disease, its worldwide incidence, epidemiology, pathological background, functional classification, complications, sequelae and risk factors in this age group were analyzed. eleven The degree work is descriptive, transversal and retrospective. We analyzed the information of all adult patients with heart failure admitted to the Abel Gilbert Pontón Hospital, recruited in 2014-2015. The causal and risk factors were established in relation to age, sex and its incidence, it was compared with the international statistics of the region and the favorable results were determined, as well as those that had complications and the mortality rate. It is expected that this study will be a basis for the Abel Gilbert Pontón Hospital for future comparative research with other treatment methods.
Palabras clave
Insuficiencia cardíaca, Epidemiología descriptiva, Estudios retrospectivos, Hospital de Especialidades Guayaquil Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Adulto