Propuesta de rediseño de la red LAN y de circuito cerrado de televisión de la unidad educativa Provincia del Azuay.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas y Físicas. Carrera de Ingeniería En Networking y Telecomunicaciones
En este proyecto se procedió a realizar un rediseño de la red LAN y de circuito cerrado de televisión para la “UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PROVINCIA DEL AZUAY” para mejorar el ambiente estudiantil, la ejecución de este proyecto de titulación ayudaría a dar un mejor rendimiento en el ámbito educativo y a un mayor desempeño laboral a todos los docentes, para que la institución cuente con una infraestructura de red que sea eficiente y segura lo cual ayudaría a que los estudiantes puedan recibir la catedra en centros de cómputos de última tecnología y el sistema de circuito cerrado de televisión pueda ofrecer mayor seguridad a la edificación, alumnos y profesores al estar monitoreado durante las 24 horas de la jornada académica.
In this project we proceeded to redesign the LAN and closed circuit television network for the “UNION EDUCATIVA PROVINCIA DEL AZUAY” elementary school to improve the student environment. The execution of this degree project would help to give a better performance in the educational field. a greater job performance for all teachers, so that the institution has an efficient and safe network infrastructure which would help students to receive the lecture in state-of-the-art computer centers and the CCTV system can offer greater security to the building, students and teachers to be monitored during the 24 hours of the academic day.
In this project we proceeded to redesign the LAN and closed circuit television network for the “UNION EDUCATIVA PROVINCIA DEL AZUAY” elementary school to improve the student environment. The execution of this degree project would help to give a better performance in the educational field. a greater job performance for all teachers, so that the institution has an efficient and safe network infrastructure which would help students to receive the lecture in state-of-the-art computer centers and the CCTV system can offer greater security to the building, students and teachers to be monitored during the 24 hours of the academic day.
Palabras clave
Red, Seguridad, Tecnología, Vulnerabilidades