Cáncer y nivel de calidad de vida usando el cuestionario QoL-FV en familiares cuidadores de pacientes con cáncer estudio realizado en el Hospital de Especialidades Abel Gilbert Pontón en el 2015
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Medicina
Introducción: Calidad de vida es un término que identifica las dimensiones que intervienen en el bienestar emocional de un individuo y que participa en su desarrollo personal y su convivencia con el entono. Actualmente con los avances en la medicina, se relega el cuidado de los pacientes oncológicos a su domicilio, donde por el estado del enfermo, su entorno familiar se ve notoriamente afectado. Pocos son los estudios que se han realizado sobre la afectación que sufre el cuidador del paciente con cáncer, que por obvias razones sufre una carga emocional, física y social que claramente afecta su percepción de Calidad de Vida
Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, no experimental. Se realizó la recolección de los datos a través de una encuesta entregada en hoja de papel. Se tabuló la información en una hoja de datos de Excel y su posterior análisis se desarrolló en la plataforma estadística SPSS.
Resultados: La mayoría de los cuidadores fueron mujeres (67.3%), la media de edad fue de 41 años, el parentesco familiar fue de hijos/as y hermanos/as que se encontraban pendientes y atendían directamente a su pariente. Los ingresos mensuales de la gran mayoría fue < $400 (67%). La gran mayoría seguía un dogma religioso (98%), y los resultados concluyeron que en las 4 dimensiones estudiadas se encontraban con una calidad de vida Media.
Conclusión: Los cuidadores de pacientes con cáncer, tienen una percepción media de su calidad de vida, encontrándose una relación entre la percepción del individuo de la calidad de vida familiar con su dimensión psicológica.
Introduction: Quality of life is a term that identifies the dimensions that intervene in the emotional well-being of an individual and that participates in their personal development and their coexistence with the environment. Currently with the advances in medicine, the care of oncological patients is relegated to their home, where due to the state of the patient, their family environment is notoriously affected. Few studies have been done on the affectation suffered by the caregiver of the patient with cancer, who for obvious reasons suffers an emotional, physical and social burden that clearly affects their perception of Quality of Life Materials and Methods: Observational, descriptive, non-experimental study. The data was collected through a survey delivered on a sheet of paper. The information was tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet and its subsequent analysis was developed in the SPSS statistical platform. Results: The majority of the caregivers were women (67.3%), the average age was 41 years, the family kinship was of children and siblings who were pending and attended directly to their relative. The monthly income of the vast majority was <$ 400 (67%). The great majority followed a religious dogma (98%), and the results concluded that in the 4 dimensions studied they had a quality of life. Conclusion: Caregivers of cancer patients have an average perception of their quality of life, finding a relationship between the individual's perception of the quality of family life and its psychological dimension.
Introduction: Quality of life is a term that identifies the dimensions that intervene in the emotional well-being of an individual and that participates in their personal development and their coexistence with the environment. Currently with the advances in medicine, the care of oncological patients is relegated to their home, where due to the state of the patient, their family environment is notoriously affected. Few studies have been done on the affectation suffered by the caregiver of the patient with cancer, who for obvious reasons suffers an emotional, physical and social burden that clearly affects their perception of Quality of Life Materials and Methods: Observational, descriptive, non-experimental study. The data was collected through a survey delivered on a sheet of paper. The information was tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet and its subsequent analysis was developed in the SPSS statistical platform. Results: The majority of the caregivers were women (67.3%), the average age was 41 years, the family kinship was of children and siblings who were pending and attended directly to their relative. The monthly income of the vast majority was <$ 400 (67%). The great majority followed a religious dogma (98%), and the results concluded that in the 4 dimensions studied they had a quality of life. Conclusion: Caregivers of cancer patients have an average perception of their quality of life, finding a relationship between the individual's perception of the quality of family life and its psychological dimension.
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