Estudio técnico económico para la constitución de una fábrica de baldosas a partir reciclaje del exoesqueleto del cangrejo Ucides Occidentalis.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial. Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial.
El presente texto es un estudio técnico-económico para la constitución de una fábrica de baldosas a partir de los desechos reciclables del exoesqueleto del cangrejo rojo. Sus objetivos son: desarrollar un sistema de reciclaje de los desechos del cangrejo rojo, determinar los presupuestos para llevar a cabo el proyecto y analizar la viabilidad de la empresa mediante un estudio de mercado utilizando herramientas financieras. En el estudio de mercado se determinó la demanda insatisfecha la cual es mayor a los 90 millones de metros cuadrados, se estima una producción en el primer año de 48.000 metros cuadrados de baldosa cerámica siendo menor al 1% de la demanda insatisfecha. El proyecto determina una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) de 26% y valor actual neto (VAN) de $ 256.903. Un periodo de recuperación de la inversión comprendido entre el segundo y tercer año, con lo cual se concluye que el proyecto es factible y viable su inversión.
This text is a technical-economic study for the setting-up of a tile factory from the recycling waste of the exoskeleton of the red crab. Its objectives are: to develop a recycling system for red crab waste, determine the budgets to carry out the project and analyze the viability of the company through a market study using financial tools. In the market study, the unsatisfied demand which determined, which is greater than 90 million square meters to which the product can reach, producing in the first year 48,000 square meters of ceramic tile being less than 1% of the unsatisfied demand. The project determines an internal rate of return (IRR) of 26% and net present value (NVP) of $ 256, 903. A period of recovery of the investment between the second and third year, through which it is concluded that the project is feasible and its investment viable.
This text is a technical-economic study for the setting-up of a tile factory from the recycling waste of the exoskeleton of the red crab. Its objectives are: to develop a recycling system for red crab waste, determine the budgets to carry out the project and analyze the viability of the company through a market study using financial tools. In the market study, the unsatisfied demand which determined, which is greater than 90 million square meters to which the product can reach, producing in the first year 48,000 square meters of ceramic tile being less than 1% of the unsatisfied demand. The project determines an internal rate of return (IRR) of 26% and net present value (NVP) of $ 256, 903. A period of recovery of the investment between the second and third year, through which it is concluded that the project is feasible and its investment viable.
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