Mejoramiento de puestos de trabajo aplicando el método REBA para el personal administrativo de la Asociación "Nueve de Octubre" de auxilios mutuos de Guayaquil.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial. Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial.
En el presente trabajo de titulación se evalúo los riesgos ergonómicos a los trabajadores de la Asociación Nueve de Octubre de Auxilios Mutuos de Guayaquil con el propósito de detectar los riesgos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores y dotar de las medidas preventivas para prevenir riesgos a la salud. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación fue necesario, la observación directa de los trabajadores durante su jornada laboral, al mismo tiempo que se tomaban fotografías en las distintas posiciones en las que realizan sus actividades, que luego fueron utilizadas tanto para la elaboración del a matriz de riesgo por puesto de trabajo, como para la aplicación del método de evaluación de posturas forzadas REBA y una encuesta sobre los riesgos ergonómicos; lo cual permitió identificar el nivel de riesgos ergonómico que podría causar enfermedades profesionales en los trabajadores lo que afectaría su productividad. Se propuso un plan de mejora que permita reducir los riesgos ergonómicos y que permita mejorar las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores.
In the following final degree project, the ergonomic risks to the workers of the Association Ninth of October of Mutual Aids of Guayaquil were analysed with the intention of detecting the risks to which the workers are exposed to and provide with the preventive measures for risks to the health. For the development of this research, the direct observation of the workers during their working day was necessary, at the same time, photographies were taken in the different positions they do their activities, which were used to make a risk matrix by working place for the application of the evaluation method of forced positions REBA and a survey on the ergonomic risks; which allowed to identify the ergonomic level of risks that might cause occupational diseases in the workers, which would affect their productivity. Finally, an improvement plan that allows to reduce the ergonomic risks was proposed to improve the employment conditions of the workers.
In the following final degree project, the ergonomic risks to the workers of the Association Ninth of October of Mutual Aids of Guayaquil were analysed with the intention of detecting the risks to which the workers are exposed to and provide with the preventive measures for risks to the health. For the development of this research, the direct observation of the workers during their working day was necessary, at the same time, photographies were taken in the different positions they do their activities, which were used to make a risk matrix by working place for the application of the evaluation method of forced positions REBA and a survey on the ergonomic risks; which allowed to identify the ergonomic level of risks that might cause occupational diseases in the workers, which would affect their productivity. Finally, an improvement plan that allows to reduce the ergonomic risks was proposed to improve the employment conditions of the workers.
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