Análisis de los procesos operativos y propuesta para mejorar la producción y calidad en la elaboración de partes de accesorios en la fabricación de radiadores.
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial. Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial.
El desarrollo de este trabajo de titulación está basado en el análisis del proceso de producción, que genera pérdidas de materia prima (cobre) y del recurso tiempo. Esta es una empresa que se dedica a la realización de acoples para los radiadores en la industria automovilística en general. Del análisis realizado se determinó mediante diagramas de flujo los inconvenientes que surgían al elaborar el producto, por lo cual se realizó una remodelación del área de producción el que está enfocado a la reducción de movimientos y reducción de tiempos, eliminando los cuellos de botella y procesos innecesarios para la elaboración. Para la utilización al 95% de la plancha que es la materia prima se analizó las diferentes maneras para poder aprovecharla, dialogando con los operadores y mejorando el ambiente de trabajo, con este análisis se logró que la producción aumentara de 4 a 6 productos elaborados por cada plancha.
The development of this work is based on the analysis of the production process, which generates losses of raw material (copper) and time. This is a company dedicated to the elaboration of couplings for radiators in the automotive industry in general. From The analysis carried out the drawbacks that arose when elaborating the product were determined through flow diagrams, so a remodeling of the production area was carried out which is focused on the reduction of movements and reduction of time, eliminating the bottlenecks and unnecessary processes for the elaboration. For the use of 95% of the copper griddle, the different ways were analyzed to be able to take advantage of them, talking to the operators and improving the working environment, with this analysis it was accomplished that the production increased from 4 to 6 products elaborated by each griddle.
The development of this work is based on the analysis of the production process, which generates losses of raw material (copper) and time. This is a company dedicated to the elaboration of couplings for radiators in the automotive industry in general. From The analysis carried out the drawbacks that arose when elaborating the product were determined through flow diagrams, so a remodeling of the production area was carried out which is focused on the reduction of movements and reduction of time, eliminating the bottlenecks and unnecessary processes for the elaboration. For the use of 95% of the copper griddle, the different ways were analyzed to be able to take advantage of them, talking to the operators and improving the working environment, with this analysis it was accomplished that the production increased from 4 to 6 products elaborated by each griddle.
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