Detección de enfermedad renal crónica y factores de riesgo asociados estudio a realizar en el Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil período 2014-2015
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Medicina
Investigación para conocer la Incidencia de Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC) en pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Universitario durante el año 2015
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Con una muestra de 100 historias clínicas con dicha patología. La recolección de los datos se efectuó en un formulario estructurado y tabularon en Microsoft Excel.
Obteniéndose los siguientes resultados: La tasa de incidencia fue 25 y de prevalencia de 42.3 por 100000 habitantes respectivamente. El 54.3% de patología se presentó en edades entre 58 a 65 años y el 12.3% entre 18 a 25 años. Según el género, 64.9% fueron hombres y 35.1% mujeres.
Los posibles factores desencadenantes más comunes encontrados hipertensión arterial en un 31.6%, Diabetes Mellitus tipo II en un 24.6%. Las complicaciones fueron Anemia 47.3%; Neumonía 14% y depresión 15.8%. Se puede concluir que existe una incidencia alta y creciente de la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica especialmente en pacientes jóvenes, que se debe llevar un control adecuado de paciente diabético e hipertenso para aminorar la progresión a la Insuficiencia Renal y mejorar su calidad de vida.
This is an investigation to know about the Incidence of Chronic Kidney Insufficiency (IRC) in inpatients of the Internal Medicine of the University Hospital of Guayaquil during 2015 A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out with a sample of 100 clinical histories with such pathology. The data collection was performed in a format structured and tabulated in Microsoft Excel. The following results were obtained: the incidence rate was 25 and prevalence 42.3 per 1000000 people respectively. The 54.3% pathology was present in 58 to 65 year old patients and 12.3% from 18 to 25 year old patients. As to sex, 64.9% were males and 35.1% females. The most common possible causing factors were, arterial hypertension by 31.6%, Diabetes Mellitus Type II by 24.6% and Prostatic Hypertrophy by 21.1%. The complications were 47.3% anemia, 14% pneumonia and 15.8% depression. It can be concluded that there is a high and growing incidence of the chronic kidney insufficiency specially in young patients a fact that just be controlled adequately in diabetic patients and patients with high blood pressure to diminish the progression of kidney insufficiency and improve life quality.
This is an investigation to know about the Incidence of Chronic Kidney Insufficiency (IRC) in inpatients of the Internal Medicine of the University Hospital of Guayaquil during 2015 A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out with a sample of 100 clinical histories with such pathology. The data collection was performed in a format structured and tabulated in Microsoft Excel. The following results were obtained: the incidence rate was 25 and prevalence 42.3 per 1000000 people respectively. The 54.3% pathology was present in 58 to 65 year old patients and 12.3% from 18 to 25 year old patients. As to sex, 64.9% were males and 35.1% females. The most common possible causing factors were, arterial hypertension by 31.6%, Diabetes Mellitus Type II by 24.6% and Prostatic Hypertrophy by 21.1%. The complications were 47.3% anemia, 14% pneumonia and 15.8% depression. It can be concluded that there is a high and growing incidence of the chronic kidney insufficiency specially in young patients a fact that just be controlled adequately in diabetic patients and patients with high blood pressure to diminish the progression of kidney insufficiency and improve life quality.
Palabras clave
Insuficiencia renal crónica, Estudios retrospectivos, Epidemiología descriptiva, Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador