Campaña educativa en pacientes diabéticos del Centro de Salud El Cóndor Guasmo Sur entre noviembre 2016 abril del 2017
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Medicina
En la actualidad la Diabetes Mellitus es un problema de salud creciente a gran escala, una mejora en la educación diabetológica aumentará la esperanza de vida de cada una de estas personas, esto a su vez llevaría una menor incidencia de complicaciones micro vasculares y macro vasculares; se debe tener en cuenta que la edad y la duración de la DM son los principales factores de riesgo no controlables el MSP es responsable de garantizar el ejercicio pleno del derecho ciudadano a la salud, valorando las deficiencias observadas en consulta y terrenos pertenecientes al Centro de Salud “El cóndor” se realizo una campaña educativa en pacientes diabéticos acerca de los conocimientos básicos y fundamentales que deben conocer los mismos sobre su enfermedad, que les permitirá mantener mejores parámetros de compensación, evitando así o retardando la aparición de complicaciones que ensombrecen el pronóstico del paciente, mejorando el conocimiento y las habilidades, capacitándolas para asumir el control de la enfermedad e integrar el autocontrol de la enfermedad en la vida cotidiana. El universo estuvo formado por aproximadamente 545 y la muestra se vio formada por 82 pacientes, a los cuales se dividió en dos grupos para su estudio. La realización de esta campaña se da basada en la valoración inicial del paciente, planificación acorde a cada necesidad, implementación, y evaluación, se realiza capacitaciones individuales y grupales, además de que se brinda detalles educativos a los familiares cercanos con el fin de fortalecer más las bases educativas de cada miembro de nuestro proyecto.
Currently Diabetes Mellitus is a growing health problem on a large scale, an improvement in diabetes education will increase the life expectancy of each of these people, this in turn would lead to a lower incidence of microvascular and macrovascular vascular complications; It should be taken into account that the age and duration of DM are the main non-controllable risk factors. The MSP is responsible for guaranteeing the full exercise of the citizen's right to health, assessing the deficiencies observed in consultation and land belonging to the Center for Health "The condor" was carried out an educational campaign in diabetic patients about the basic and basic knowledge that must know about their disease, which will allow them to maintain better compensation parameters, thus avoiding or delaying the appearance of complications that overshadow the prognosis Of the patient, improving knowledge and skills, enabling them to take control of the disease and integrate self-control of the disease into daily life. The universe was formed by approximately 545 and the sample was formed by 82 patients, to whom it was divided into two groups for its study. The realization of this campaign is based on the initial assessment of the patient, planning according to each need, implementation, and evaluation, individual and group trainings are carried out, as well as providing educational details to close relatives in order to strengthen more The educational bases of each member of our project.
Currently Diabetes Mellitus is a growing health problem on a large scale, an improvement in diabetes education will increase the life expectancy of each of these people, this in turn would lead to a lower incidence of microvascular and macrovascular vascular complications; It should be taken into account that the age and duration of DM are the main non-controllable risk factors. The MSP is responsible for guaranteeing the full exercise of the citizen's right to health, assessing the deficiencies observed in consultation and land belonging to the Center for Health "The condor" was carried out an educational campaign in diabetic patients about the basic and basic knowledge that must know about their disease, which will allow them to maintain better compensation parameters, thus avoiding or delaying the appearance of complications that overshadow the prognosis Of the patient, improving knowledge and skills, enabling them to take control of the disease and integrate self-control of the disease into daily life. The universe was formed by approximately 545 and the sample was formed by 82 patients, to whom it was divided into two groups for its study. The realization of this campaign is based on the initial assessment of the patient, planning according to each need, implementation, and evaluation, individual and group trainings are carried out, as well as providing educational details to close relatives in order to strengthen more The educational bases of each member of our project.
Palabras clave
Diabetes mellitus, Incidencia, Complicaciones, Centro de Salud El Cóndor Guasmo Sur, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador, Promoción de salud, Programas educativos