Extracciones seriadas como alternativa terapéutica para prevenir el apiñamiento dental
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
En el presente trabajo de investigación se pretende analizar la técnica de extracciones seriadas aplicada a la prevención del apiñamiento dental, determinando si esta brinda mayores ventajas y/o resultados favorables después de haber sido empleado, causando menos malestar al paciente durante la terapia correctiva y convirtiendo el apiñamiento considerado como una maloclusión en una menos severa, o llegar al punto de eliminarla si se lo diagnostica correctamente, teniendo en cuenta todos los factores que implica, como el desarrollo del esqueleto y el desarrollo dental, con la finalidad de dar armonía entre los dientes y los maxilares.
Siempre el ser humano desde los tiempos más remotos ha velado por su apariencia y ha entendido la importancia de cuidar su propio cuerpo, tomando en consideración mantener la función y brindar estética a la dentición dentro de “normas” que no han cesado de evolucionar. Los dientes apiñados, se ha convertido en un problema regular para muchos individuos desde tiempos remotos, y los intentos para corregirlo son tan antiguos como la enfermedad, un ejemplo puede destacar es su tratamiento en la culturas como la egipcia, griega y etrusca. Con el desarrollo de la odontología varios autores describieron diferentes aparatos, dispositivos o técnicas para “acomodar” los dientes. A partir de 1850 aparecen los primeros tratados sobre la Ortodoncia. Los estudios sobre el crecimiento maxilar y mandibular proliferaron en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y las correcciones ortodóncicas se hicieron cada vez más ortopédicas en su enfoque terapéutico. El concepto de oclusión dentaria, introducido por Angle marcó un hito en la historia de la especialidad, al definir un objetivo concreto para la corrección ortodóncica.
Desde entonces, la ortodoncia persigue tanto el alineamiento de los dientes como el equilibrio y la belleza del rostro humano, en un balance dinámico del sistema estomatognático, que va mucho más allá de una
simple relación cúspide-cóndilo-fosa. Conocer la historia de la ortodoncia, no es tener un saco de conocimientos inútiles, sino obtener un marco de referencia para entender la dentición humana en la salud y la enfermedad a lo largo del tiempo.
Cuando hay necesidad de hacer tratamientos de ortodoncia tempranos, tratando de guiar la erupción de los dientes permanentes hacia una oclusión normal o más favorable, con base de extraer de manera estratégica dientes temporales y permanentes, es aquí cuando surge la inquietud de cuál es el mejor procedimiento terapéutico, en qué fase de crecimiento estos se deben realizar, y cuáles son los dientes que se deben extraer, y cuál es la etapa de desarrollo recomendable.
El objetivo será analizar, a través de una completa revisión de la literatura publicada en los últimos años, los factores a favor y en contra en el tratamiento temprano del apiñamiento basándose en las extracciones seriadas, reconociéndolas como terapia preventiva interceptora idónea para utilizar en el tratamiento temprano del apiñamiento dental en niños, con la finalidad de recuperar espacios que se hayan perdido, estimular el crecimiento mandibular y maxilar, modificar mordidas y convertirlas funcionales, estimulación muscular, reconociendo que tan importante es identificar el problema y dar un diagnostico apropiado y oportuno.
Llegaremos a una conclusión apropiada usando el método de investigación científico, cuantitativo, cualitativo, lógico, descriptivo, bibliográfico y de investigación compleja, enfocado en un criterio retrospectivo, esperando que los resultados obtenidos sirvan para aclarar las dudas o interrogantes y sea de utilidad para la ciencia.
In the present research is to analyze the serial extraction technique applied to the prevention of dental crowding determining whether this provides greater benefits and / or favorable results after being used , causing less discomfort to the patient during corrective therapy and becoming crowding considered a severe malocclusion , or to the point of deleting if diagnosed correctly unless , considering all the factors involved, such as skeletal development and tooth development , in order to bring harmony between teeth and jaws . Always human beings since ancient times has ensured their appearance , and has understood the importance of caring for your own body , considering maintain function and aesthetics to provide teething within " rules " that have continued to evolve. Crowded teeth , has become a regular problem for many people since ancient times, and attempts to correct it are as old as the disease, an example can highlight is its treatment in cultures such as the Egyptian , Greek and Etruscan . With the development of dentistry authors described several different appliances , devices or techniques to " accommodate " the teeth. From 1850 the first treaty Orthodontics appear . Studies on the maxillary and mandibular growth proliferated in the second half of the nineteenth century and orthodontic corrections were increasingly in orthopedic therapeutic approach. The concept of dental occlusion , Angle introduced a milestone in the history of the art, to define a specific target for the orthodontic correction . Since then, both pursuing orthodontic alignment of teeth as the balance and beauty of the human face, in a dynamic balance of the stomatognathic system , which goes far beyond a 2 simple relation cusp - fossa - condyle . Knowing the history of orthodontics , is not having a sack of useless knowledge , but to obtain a framework for understanding the human dentition in health and disease over time. When there is need for orthodontic treatment early , trying to guide the eruption of permanent teeth to a normal or favorable occlusion based extract strategically and permanent teeth , this is where the concern which arises is the best therapeutic procedure in which these growth phase should be performed , and what are the teeth to be extracted , and what is the recommended stage of development. The objective is to analyze , through a comprehensive review of the published literature in recent years , the pros and cons in the early treatment of crowding based on the serial extraction , recognizing them as useful preventive therapy interceptor for use in the treatment early dental crowding in children , in order to recover spaces that are lost , stimulate mandibular and maxillary growth , change and convert functional bites , muscle stimulation , recognizing how important it is to identify the problem and make appropriate and timely diagnosis . Arrive at a proper conclusion using the method of scientific research, quantitative, qualitative , logical , descriptive literature and complex investigation focused on a retrospective judgment, hoping that the results serve to clarify any doubts or questions and is useful for science.
In the present research is to analyze the serial extraction technique applied to the prevention of dental crowding determining whether this provides greater benefits and / or favorable results after being used , causing less discomfort to the patient during corrective therapy and becoming crowding considered a severe malocclusion , or to the point of deleting if diagnosed correctly unless , considering all the factors involved, such as skeletal development and tooth development , in order to bring harmony between teeth and jaws . Always human beings since ancient times has ensured their appearance , and has understood the importance of caring for your own body , considering maintain function and aesthetics to provide teething within " rules " that have continued to evolve. Crowded teeth , has become a regular problem for many people since ancient times, and attempts to correct it are as old as the disease, an example can highlight is its treatment in cultures such as the Egyptian , Greek and Etruscan . With the development of dentistry authors described several different appliances , devices or techniques to " accommodate " the teeth. From 1850 the first treaty Orthodontics appear . Studies on the maxillary and mandibular growth proliferated in the second half of the nineteenth century and orthodontic corrections were increasingly in orthopedic therapeutic approach. The concept of dental occlusion , Angle introduced a milestone in the history of the art, to define a specific target for the orthodontic correction . Since then, both pursuing orthodontic alignment of teeth as the balance and beauty of the human face, in a dynamic balance of the stomatognathic system , which goes far beyond a 2 simple relation cusp - fossa - condyle . Knowing the history of orthodontics , is not having a sack of useless knowledge , but to obtain a framework for understanding the human dentition in health and disease over time. When there is need for orthodontic treatment early , trying to guide the eruption of permanent teeth to a normal or favorable occlusion based extract strategically and permanent teeth , this is where the concern which arises is the best therapeutic procedure in which these growth phase should be performed , and what are the teeth to be extracted , and what is the recommended stage of development. The objective is to analyze , through a comprehensive review of the published literature in recent years , the pros and cons in the early treatment of crowding based on the serial extraction , recognizing them as useful preventive therapy interceptor for use in the treatment early dental crowding in children , in order to recover spaces that are lost , stimulate mandibular and maxillary growth , change and convert functional bites , muscle stimulation , recognizing how important it is to identify the problem and make appropriate and timely diagnosis . Arrive at a proper conclusion using the method of scientific research, quantitative, qualitative , logical , descriptive literature and complex investigation focused on a retrospective judgment, hoping that the results serve to clarify any doubts or questions and is useful for science.
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