Pericoronitis asociada al tercer molar inferior y su tratamiento
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es determinar el tratamiento de la pericoronitis asociada al tercer molar inferior para evitar consecuencias a corto, mediano y largo plazo.
La alta prevalencia a nivel mundial de terceros molares retenidos y la gran cantidad de alteraciones maxilares que son capaces de ocasionar, hacen importante que se le preste mayor atención a su erupción, para poder evitar la presencia de las mismas; por lo que es indispensable su diagnóstico temprano y la eliminación oportuna en su caso.1 (Rodríguez-Fernández M, Mendiburu-Zavala C, Peñaloza-Cuevas R.). Los cordales incluidos son un apartado importante de la patología odontológica, por su frecuencia, por su variedad de presentación y por la patología y accidentes que frecuentemente desencadenan.
La erupción del tercer molar en la población caucásica se produce en el inicio de la vida adulta (18-25 años) por este motivo se lo denomina muela de juicio, molar de la cordura o cordal. Este nombre es atribuido a Hieronimus Cardus, quien habló de “dens sensus et sapientia et intellectus” en clara referencia a la edad que suele erupcionar. La edad media de erupción de los cordales en los varones es de 19,9 años y de 20,4 años en las mujeres.
Se acepta como normal que pueda existir un retraso de la erupción de aproximadamente dos años. Los terceros molares son los dientes que con más frecuencia se hallan incluidos, de acuerdo con Archer que marca este orden de frecuencia:
Tercer molar superior, tercer molar inferior, canino superior, segundo bicúspide inferior, canino inferior, segundo bicúspide superior, incisivo central superior, incisivo lateral superior.
The objective of this research is to determine the treatment of pericoronitis associated with impacted lower third molar to avoid consequences in the short, medium and long term . The high prevalence worldwide of third molars and the large amount of maxillary alterations that are capable of causing , make it important that you pay more attention to its eruption in order to avoid the presence of the same , so it is essential to their early diagnosis and timely disposal in your case.1 (Rodríguez- Fernández M , Mendiburu -Zavala C , Penaloza -Cuevas R. ) . The wisdom teeth are an important section of dental disease , its frequency , variety of presentation and pathology and accidents often trigger . The eruption of the third molar in the Caucasian population occurs in early adult life (18-25 years) for this reason is called wisdom teeth , molar or wisdom tooth sanity . This name is attributed to Hieronimus Cardus , who spoke of " dens sapientia et intellectus et sensus " in clear reference to the age that usually erupt . The mean age of eruption of the third molars in males is 19.9 years, and 20.4 years for women . Accepted as normal that there may be a delay in the eruption of about two years. The third molars are the teeth most frequently are included , according to Archer that marks this order of frequency: Third upper molar , third molar , upper canine , lower second bicuspid , lower canine , upper second bicuspid , upper central incisor, lateral incisor.
The objective of this research is to determine the treatment of pericoronitis associated with impacted lower third molar to avoid consequences in the short, medium and long term . The high prevalence worldwide of third molars and the large amount of maxillary alterations that are capable of causing , make it important that you pay more attention to its eruption in order to avoid the presence of the same , so it is essential to their early diagnosis and timely disposal in your case.1 (Rodríguez- Fernández M , Mendiburu -Zavala C , Penaloza -Cuevas R. ) . The wisdom teeth are an important section of dental disease , its frequency , variety of presentation and pathology and accidents often trigger . The eruption of the third molar in the Caucasian population occurs in early adult life (18-25 years) for this reason is called wisdom teeth , molar or wisdom tooth sanity . This name is attributed to Hieronimus Cardus , who spoke of " dens sapientia et intellectus et sensus " in clear reference to the age that usually erupt . The mean age of eruption of the third molars in males is 19.9 years, and 20.4 years for women . Accepted as normal that there may be a delay in the eruption of about two years. The third molars are the teeth most frequently are included , according to Archer that marks this order of frequency: Third upper molar , third molar , upper canine , lower second bicuspid , lower canine , upper second bicuspid , upper central incisor, lateral incisor.
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