Evaluación in vitro del hipoclorito de sodio y el gluconato de clorhexidina como agentes químicos para la descontaminación de conos de gutapercha
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La descontaminación de los conos de gutapercha es un paso fundamental
en el tratamiento endodóntico, ya que son materiales que no pueden ser
sometidos a procesos de esterilización debido a sus propiedades físicas
lo cual impide la eliminación total de los microorganismos presente en su
superficie provocando así la ruptura de la cadena aséptica en la
terapéutica endodóntica, la cual es esencial en el éxito de la misma.
La mayoría de los profesionales utilizan diferentes sustancias a
concentraciones diversas y tiempos variables; pero es importante estudiar
cual de las soluciones desinfectantes es la más adecuada, y a que
concentración y tiempo se debería utilizar, por este motivo en este estudio
se utilizaron dos soluciones reconocidas y aceptadas tanto en la práctica
como en la documentación bibliográfica como son el Hipoclorito de sodio
y el gluconato de glorhexidina, para determinar su eficacia y el tiempo
apropiado con el que se debería trabajar.
Durante todo el tratamiento endodóntico, se debe tomar medidas que
impidan o reduzcan al mínimo la presencia de microorganismos durante el
acto operatorio motivo por el cual a través del presente estudio se evaluó
mediante un examen microbiológico las condiciones de esterilidad o
contaminación en las que se encontraban los conos de gutapercha
utilizados por los alumnos del quinto año de la facultad piloto de
Odontología, antes de su utilización para la obturación de los conductos
radiculares. Con el objetivo de evitar posibles complicaciones
postratamiento, no romper la cadena aséptica, brindar un tratamiento
odontológico de calidad y elegir la mejor solución desinfectante de conos
de gutapercha.
The decontamination of gutta-percha is a fundamental step endodontic treatment as they are materials which can not be subjected to sterilization processes due to its physical properties which prevents the total elimination of the microorganisms present in the surface thus causing the breaking of chain in the aseptic endodontic therapy , which is essential in the success of it . Most professionals use different substances various concentrations and varying times , but it is important to study disinfectant solutions which is the most appropriate , since concentration and time should be used for this reason in this study two recognized solutions were used and accepted both in practice as in the published references such as sodium hypochlorite glorhexidina gluconate and , to determine their effectiveness and residence time appropriate in that it should work . During endodontic treatment , take measures prevent or minimize the presence of microorganisms during surgical procedure why through this study evaluated by microbiological examination or sterile conditions where contamination were percha cones used by students in the fifth year of the pilot faculty Dentistry , before use for the root canal filling root . With the aim to avoid complications aftercare, not break the aseptic chain , providing treatment Quality dental and choose the best disinfectant solution cones gutta percha.
The decontamination of gutta-percha is a fundamental step endodontic treatment as they are materials which can not be subjected to sterilization processes due to its physical properties which prevents the total elimination of the microorganisms present in the surface thus causing the breaking of chain in the aseptic endodontic therapy , which is essential in the success of it . Most professionals use different substances various concentrations and varying times , but it is important to study disinfectant solutions which is the most appropriate , since concentration and time should be used for this reason in this study two recognized solutions were used and accepted both in practice as in the published references such as sodium hypochlorite glorhexidina gluconate and , to determine their effectiveness and residence time appropriate in that it should work . During endodontic treatment , take measures prevent or minimize the presence of microorganisms during surgical procedure why through this study evaluated by microbiological examination or sterile conditions where contamination were percha cones used by students in the fifth year of the pilot faculty Dentistry , before use for the root canal filling root . With the aim to avoid complications aftercare, not break the aseptic chain , providing treatment Quality dental and choose the best disinfectant solution cones gutta percha.
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