Manual de atención odontológica a mujeres embarazadas con distintas patologías en la cavidad bucal
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La capacidad del odontólogo en su práctica diaria debe tener el
conocimiento e incluir el manejo de las alteraciones fisiológicas no
patológicas como es el caso de las mujeres embarazadas. Debido al
aumento de mujeres embarazadas que requieren atención dental y
acuden al consultorio, para ello es necesario cuestionar los conocimientos
del responsable de la práctica dental; así como la capacidad que tienen
para brindar el servicio sin poner en peligro la vida del paciente.
El embarazo es un evento muy especial en la vida de una mujer y por lo
tanto está lleno de emociones. Por esto el establecer una buena relación
paciente-dentista que sea abierta, honesta y confiable es parte integral en
el manejo exitoso del paciente. Este tipo de relación disminuirá el estrés
tanto de la paciente como el del dentista. En esta etapa considerada
como prueba de esfuerzo metabólico, debe ser conocida por los
profesionales de salud bucal, cada vez es más frecuente la visita para
paciente embarazada al consultorio dental.
Aunque el embarazo es considerado un suceso normal, puede coexistir
en el ciertas condiciones que ameriten un análisis especial, como los
embarazos de alto riesgo los cuales deben de ser perfectamente
comprendidos para tener la seguridad que el tratamiento y los fármacos
que prescribimos utilicemos resulten inocuos o bien ocasionen el mínimo
daño esperado a la paciente gestante y al producto o a ambos.
Aun cuando el proveer el tratamiento dental de rutina a las pacientes
embarazadas es generalmente seguro, se debe reconocer que el llevar a
cabo tratamientos dentales envuelve algunos elementos potenciales
dañinos. El presente trabajo de investigación determina Determinar las
diferentes complicaciones, su cuadro clínico y sus manifestaciones; poder
evitarlas, controlarlas en el caso que se pudieran presentar.
The ability of the dentist in their daily practice must have knowledge management and include physiological alterations pathological as in the case of pregnant women. due to increase in pregnant women who require dental care and come to the office, this requires knowledge challenge responsible for dental practice as well as the ability to provide service without jeopardizing the patient's life . Pregnancy is a very special event in the life of a woman and so Therefore it is full of emotions. Therefore the establish rapport patient - dentist who is open , honest and trustworthy is integral successful management of the patient. This type of relationship will decrease stress both the patient and dentist . At this stage considered as evidence of metabolic stress , must be known by the oral health professionals , it is becoming more frequent visits to pregnant patient to the dental office . Although pregnancy is considered a normal occurrence , it can coexist in certain conditions that warrant special analysis , such as high risk pregnancies which must be perfectly included to make sure that treatment and drugs we prescribe we use are safe or cause the minimum expected damage to the pregnant patient and the product or both. Even when providing routine dental treatment to patients pregnancy is generally safe, it should be recognized that carrying out dental treatment involves some potential elements harmful. This research determines Determine different complications and their clinical manifestations , power avoid them, control them if they could present.
The ability of the dentist in their daily practice must have knowledge management and include physiological alterations pathological as in the case of pregnant women. due to increase in pregnant women who require dental care and come to the office, this requires knowledge challenge responsible for dental practice as well as the ability to provide service without jeopardizing the patient's life . Pregnancy is a very special event in the life of a woman and so Therefore it is full of emotions. Therefore the establish rapport patient - dentist who is open , honest and trustworthy is integral successful management of the patient. This type of relationship will decrease stress both the patient and dentist . At this stage considered as evidence of metabolic stress , must be known by the oral health professionals , it is becoming more frequent visits to pregnant patient to the dental office . Although pregnancy is considered a normal occurrence , it can coexist in certain conditions that warrant special analysis , such as high risk pregnancies which must be perfectly included to make sure that treatment and drugs we prescribe we use are safe or cause the minimum expected damage to the pregnant patient and the product or both. Even when providing routine dental treatment to patients pregnancy is generally safe, it should be recognized that carrying out dental treatment involves some potential elements harmful. This research determines Determine different complications and their clinical manifestations , power avoid them, control them if they could present.
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