Análisis de los factores que determinan el emprendimiento de la parroquia Salinas de Guaranda “El Salinerito"
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Universidad de Guayaquil Facutad de Ciencias Administrativas
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los factores que dieron como resultado el éxito del emprendimiento en base a un sistema de cooperativismo el cual fue creado en pro mejoras de la comunidad. El enfoque de la metodología de investigación que se utilizo fue mixto, el tipo de investigación que se tomó para el presente estudio fue; exploratorio y descriptivo y en este estudio se consideró que el diseño fue no experimental-transversal ya que fue el concepto más acertado con el trabajo realizado para lo cual se empleó como instrumento el uso encuestas y entrevistas. En los resultados de la investigación se evidencio que; su factor de éxito radica en su gestión del conocimiento como factor interno pero que existen en la relación con el cliente y la orientación mercado. Y como propuesta se ha previsto lanzar uno de sus productos que a pesar de su calidad tiene precios bajos, siendo accesibles a todo público, con lo cual orientamos un producto a un mercado definido y a través del lograremos afianzar su relación con el cliente.
The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that resulted in the success of the enterprise based on a cooperative system that was created to improve the community. The focus of the research methodology that was used was mixed, the type of research that was taken for the present study was; exploratory and descriptive and in this study it was considered that the design was not experimental-transversal since it was the most successful concept with the work done for which the use of surveys and interviews was used as an instrument. In the results of the investigation, it was evidenced that; its success factor lies in its management of knowledge as an internal factor but that exist in the relationship with the client and market orientation. And as a proposal has been planned to launch one of its products that despite its quality has low prices, being accessible to all public, with which we orientate a product to a defined market and through it we will strengthen its relationship with the customer.
The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that resulted in the success of the enterprise based on a cooperative system that was created to improve the community. The focus of the research methodology that was used was mixed, the type of research that was taken for the present study was; exploratory and descriptive and in this study it was considered that the design was not experimental-transversal since it was the most successful concept with the work done for which the use of surveys and interviews was used as an instrument. In the results of the investigation, it was evidenced that; its success factor lies in its management of knowledge as an internal factor but that exist in the relationship with the client and market orientation. And as a proposal has been planned to launch one of its products that despite its quality has low prices, being accessible to all public, with which we orientate a product to a defined market and through it we will strengthen its relationship with the customer.
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