Diseño de plan de mejora para la gestión administrativa del colegio de Odontólogos del Guayas
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Universidada de Guayaquil Facutad de Ciencias Administrativas
El siguiente proyecto de investigación es un estudio de caso, el mismo que fue realizado en el
Colegio de Odontólogo del Guayas cuyo objetivo consiste en el diseño de un plan para
mejora de la gestión administrativa, el COG, una institución gremial, científica social, sin
fines de lucro creada el 7 de marzo de 1940.
Para el estudio se realizó un análisis de la situación actual, se levantó información por parte
del personal del área administrativa así la obtención de datos reales facilitó encontrar los
inconvenientes y solucionar los problemas actuales, se encontró fallas en la gestión
administrativa motivo por el cual presenta baja liquidez, falta de manuales de políticas y
procedimientos, lo que dificulta el logro de los objetivos esperados. El disponer de esto
ayudará a transformar sus debilidades en oportunidades de crecimiento y mejora, mediante el
cual se tendrá una mejor organización y planificación dentro de la misma.
The following research project is a case study, the same one that was carried out in the Colegio de Odontólogos del Guayas, whose objective consists of the design of a plan to improve administrative management, the COG, a trade union institution, social scientific, without for profit created on March 7, 1940. For the study, an analysis of the current situation was carried out, information was collected by the administrative area staff, so obtaining real data facilitated finding the inconveniences and solving the current problems, it was found flaws in the administrative management reason why it presents low liquidity, lack of manuals of policies and procedures, which hinders the achievement of the expected objectives. Having this will help transform your weaknesses into opportunities for growth and improvement, through which you will have a better organization and planning within it.
The following research project is a case study, the same one that was carried out in the Colegio de Odontólogos del Guayas, whose objective consists of the design of a plan to improve administrative management, the COG, a trade union institution, social scientific, without for profit created on March 7, 1940. For the study, an analysis of the current situation was carried out, information was collected by the administrative area staff, so obtaining real data facilitated finding the inconveniences and solving the current problems, it was found flaws in the administrative management reason why it presents low liquidity, lack of manuals of policies and procedures, which hinders the achievement of the expected objectives. Having this will help transform your weaknesses into opportunities for growth and improvement, through which you will have a better organization and planning within it.
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