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Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas
La experiencia a sistematizar son las estrategias para evaluar a niños de 6 a 10 años que presentan problemas de conducta en el contexto educativo, como uno de los principales recursos para realizar un buen diagnóstico, teniendo como eje el análisis de las estrategias de evaluación, lo planteado se fue dando en el transcurso del proceso de la evaluación de los casos asignados en el CDID bajo las características que presenta nuestra propuesta, además de obtener información por medio de distintos actores como los propios practicantes, psicólogos del centro que fueron aportando con sus criterios. La finalidad de este trabajo de sistematización de experiencia es mejorar las estrategias de evaluación que se utilizan en niños de 6 a 10 años que presentan problemas de conducta en el contexto educativo debido a que todas las problemáticas no son iguales y aunque el proyecto nos facilite un protocolo no es conveniente utilizar las mismas estrategias para realizar un diagnóstico, debemos de tener o adquirir competencias que nos ayuden a realizar una evaluación psicológica idónea, para que no haya tropiezos en el proceso de intervención del niño, debemos de saber que estrategias incluir en cada caso al momento de evaluarlo, es verdad que forma parte de la misma variable “problemas de conducta” pero los estresores de esa problemática cambian.
The experience to systematize the strategies to evaluate children from 6 to 10 years old that present behavioral problems in the educational context, as one of the main resources for a good diagnosis, having as objective the analysis of the evaluation strategies, it was raised that occurred in the course of the evaluation process of the cases assigned in the CDID under the characteristics that we presented our proposal, in addition to that information was obtained for the medium from which actors such as the practitioners themselves, psychologists from the center who were contributing with your criteria . The purpose of this experience systematization work is to improve evaluation strategies that are used in children from 6 to 10 years old who present behavioral problems in the educational context because all the problems are not the same and although the project provides us with a resource protocol is not convenient to use the same strategies to make a diagnosis, we must take into account that help us to make a psychological assessment suitable, so that there are no setbacks in the intervention process of the child, we must know what strategies to include in each case At the moment of evaluating, it is true that part of the same variable is "behavioral problems" but the stressors of that problem change
The experience to systematize the strategies to evaluate children from 6 to 10 years old that present behavioral problems in the educational context, as one of the main resources for a good diagnosis, having as objective the analysis of the evaluation strategies, it was raised that occurred in the course of the evaluation process of the cases assigned in the CDID under the characteristics that we presented our proposal, in addition to that information was obtained for the medium from which actors such as the practitioners themselves, psychologists from the center who were contributing with your criteria . The purpose of this experience systematization work is to improve evaluation strategies that are used in children from 6 to 10 years old who present behavioral problems in the educational context because all the problems are not the same and although the project provides us with a resource protocol is not convenient to use the same strategies to make a diagnosis, we must take into account that help us to make a psychological assessment suitable, so that there are no setbacks in the intervention process of the child, we must know what strategies to include in each case At the moment of evaluating, it is true that part of the same variable is "behavioral problems" but the stressors of that problem change
Palabras clave
problema de conducta, estrategias, evaluación, educativa, contexto