Técnica quirúrgica para la extracción del cordal maxilar retenido
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología
La intervención de los cordales incluidos o muelas del juicio es una de las
intervenciones más frecuentes que se practican. Las muelas del juicio son
los terceros molares, que por lo general no tiene suficiente espacio en la
boca para experimentar una erupción correcta.
Esta erupción anómala puede causar diferentes problemas: cuando los
cordales erupcionan parcialmente, la comunicación parcial con los
gérmenes de la boca permitirá que las bacterias crezcan y causen
infecciones recurrentes. También cuando erupcionan en posición de
bucoversión. La consecuencia será hinchazón, dolor, y dificultad de
ingestión de alimentos y mal estado general.
La presión de las muelas del juicio que entran en erupción puede mover
dientes y provocar un apiñamiento de los dientes que naturalmente
estaban alineados o hacer recidivar un tratamiento ortodóncico.
El problema más grave, aunque también menos frecuente, es la
formación de tumores o los quistes que se forman alrededor de los
cordales, dando por resultado la destrucción del hueso y de los dientes
Una pregunta que se realiza generalmente es cuando se debe realizar la
cirugía de los cordales maxilares retenidos. Los estudios han demostrado
la conveniencia de la exodoncia temprana de los cordales para evitar
complicaciones y evitar riesgos de dañar estructuras vecinas como
nervios y dientes vecinos.
La exploración oral y la radiografía nos permiten valorar la posición de las
muelas, y la conveniencia de realizar la exodoncia antes de que
aparezcan estos problemas. Por lo tanto es necesaria realizar una
valoración a edad temprana, 14 años para observar la posición de los
cordales maxilares y verificar si estos están en posición que permita s
- 2 -
erupción, caso contrario está indicado el tratamiento de la
germenectomía. La exodoncia quirúrgica de los cordales es una
intervención que habitualmente se realiza con anestesia local cuyo
postoperatorio viene determinado por la posición de los cordales y el tipo
de intervención.
The involvement of impacted third molars or wisdom teeth is one of the Frequently practiced interventions . Wisdom teeth are third molars , which usually does not have enough space in the mouth to experience proper eruption. This anomalous eruption can cause different problems when wisdom teeth partially erupt , partial communication with germs in the mouth will allow bacteria to grow and cause recurrent infections. Also when erupt in position bucoversión . The consequence will be swelling, pain , and difficulty food intake and poor general condition . The pressure of the wisdom teeth erupting can move teeth and cause crowding of teeth naturally were aligned or make orthodontic treatment relapse . The , but also less frequent , more serious problem is the formation of tumors or cysts form around the tailpieces , resulting in the destruction of bone and teeth neighbors. A question asked usually is the time to perform maxillary third molar surgery retained. Studies have shown the desirability of early extraction of wisdom teeth to prevent complications and avoid risks of damaging neighboring structures as neighboring teeth and nerves . The oral examination and chest radiography allow us to assess the position of the wheels , and the desirability of making the extraction before These problems appear . Therefore it is necessary to perform a early assessment , 14 years to observe the position of the maxillary third molars and check if they are in position to s - 2 - eruption indicated otherwise treating germenectomy . The surgical removal of wisdom teeth is a intervention is usually performed under local anesthesia which postoperative is determined by the position and type chordal intervention.
The involvement of impacted third molars or wisdom teeth is one of the Frequently practiced interventions . Wisdom teeth are third molars , which usually does not have enough space in the mouth to experience proper eruption. This anomalous eruption can cause different problems when wisdom teeth partially erupt , partial communication with germs in the mouth will allow bacteria to grow and cause recurrent infections. Also when erupt in position bucoversión . The consequence will be swelling, pain , and difficulty food intake and poor general condition . The pressure of the wisdom teeth erupting can move teeth and cause crowding of teeth naturally were aligned or make orthodontic treatment relapse . The , but also less frequent , more serious problem is the formation of tumors or cysts form around the tailpieces , resulting in the destruction of bone and teeth neighbors. A question asked usually is the time to perform maxillary third molar surgery retained. Studies have shown the desirability of early extraction of wisdom teeth to prevent complications and avoid risks of damaging neighboring structures as neighboring teeth and nerves . The oral examination and chest radiography allow us to assess the position of the wheels , and the desirability of making the extraction before These problems appear . Therefore it is necessary to perform a early assessment , 14 years to observe the position of the maxillary third molars and check if they are in position to s - 2 - eruption indicated otherwise treating germenectomy . The surgical removal of wisdom teeth is a intervention is usually performed under local anesthesia which postoperative is determined by the position and type chordal intervention.
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