Adaptación en el hogar para pacientes con Parkinson estudio a realizar con pacientes con mal de Parkinson en sus domicilios durante el período del año 2010 - 2011
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Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Tecnología Médica
Este trabajo permite conocer la importancia que tienen las adaptaciones y todo tipo de ayudas técnicas que se puedan crear para una deambulación más segura del paciente con Parkinson dentro de su hogar, y por ende mejorar la calidad de vida del mismo. La autonomía, para las personas con mal de Parkinson, ocupa un lugar primordial. La calidad de vida, en nuestro caso, es una necesidad y a la vez un reto. Cualquier actividad que podamos realizar por nuestros propios medios es una victoria. No existen cesiones pequeñas cuando la salud es la protagonista principal. Podemos encontrar muchos recursos para adaptar nuestro entorno y hacernos la vida más fácil. El presente trabajo de tesis tiene la modalidad de un proyecto viable y factible de ejecutarlo, ya que las adaptaciones que se propone realizar responden a las exigencias del proceso de rehabilitación ocupacional dentro del hogar. Para diseñar este trabajo se utilizó la investigación científica, bibliográfica documental y la de campo. Las personas participantes de esta investigación son derivados de los diferentes Hospitales de la ciudad de Guayaquil, los cuales fueron entrevistados el 11 de Junio del 2011 en un evento que se realizó en la explana del teatro centro de arte ubicada en el kilómetro 1 de la vía Carlos Julio Arosemena Parroquia Tarqui de la ciudad de Guayaquil donde se solicitó información y colaboración a 28 personas de las cuales 17 son hombres y 11 son mujeres con una edad comprendida desde los 41 años hasta los 88, donde nos brindaron su consentimiento para realizar el trabajo de tesis en sus domicilios. El propósito de esta Investigación es de dar a conocer a los cuidadores cuan necesario es adaptar el hogar en base a las necesidades de sus familiares con Mal de Parkinson para que lleven un mejor estilo de vida y sean lo más autónomo posible. Descriptores: Adaptaciones en el hogar en pacientes con Parkinson.
This work allows us to know the importance of adaptations and all kinds of technical aids that can be created for a safer walking of the patient with Parkinson's disease within their home, and therefore improve the quality of life of the same. Autonomy, for people with Parkinson's disease, occupies a primordial place. The quality of life, in our case, is a necessity and at the same time a challenge. Any activity that we can do on our own is a victory. There are no small cessions when health is the main protagonist. We can find many resources to adapt our environment and make our lives easier. The present thesis work has the modality of a feasible and feasible project to execute it, since the proposed adaptations respond to the demands of the process of occupational rehabilitation within the home. To design this work, scientific research, documentary bibliography and field research were used. The people participating in this research are derived from the different hospitals in the city of Guayaquil, which were interviewed on June 11, 2011 in an event that took place in the esplanade of the theater art center located at kilometer 1 of the street Carlos Julio Arosemena Tarqui Parish of the city of Guayaquil where 28 people were asked for information and collaboration, 17 of whom are men and 11 are women with an age ranging from 41 to 88 years, where they gave their consent to carry out the work of theses in their homes. The purpose of this research is to inform caregivers how necessary it is to adapt the home based on the needs of their relatives with Parkinson's disease so that they lead a better lifestyle and are as autonomous as possible. Descriptors: Adaptations in the home in patients with Parkinson's.
This work allows us to know the importance of adaptations and all kinds of technical aids that can be created for a safer walking of the patient with Parkinson's disease within their home, and therefore improve the quality of life of the same. Autonomy, for people with Parkinson's disease, occupies a primordial place. The quality of life, in our case, is a necessity and at the same time a challenge. Any activity that we can do on our own is a victory. There are no small cessions when health is the main protagonist. We can find many resources to adapt our environment and make our lives easier. The present thesis work has the modality of a feasible and feasible project to execute it, since the proposed adaptations respond to the demands of the process of occupational rehabilitation within the home. To design this work, scientific research, documentary bibliography and field research were used. The people participating in this research are derived from the different hospitals in the city of Guayaquil, which were interviewed on June 11, 2011 in an event that took place in the esplanade of the theater art center located at kilometer 1 of the street Carlos Julio Arosemena Tarqui Parish of the city of Guayaquil where 28 people were asked for information and collaboration, 17 of whom are men and 11 are women with an age ranging from 41 to 88 years, where they gave their consent to carry out the work of theses in their homes. The purpose of this research is to inform caregivers how necessary it is to adapt the home based on the needs of their relatives with Parkinson's disease so that they lead a better lifestyle and are as autonomous as possible. Descriptors: Adaptations in the home in patients with Parkinson's.
Palabras clave
Enfemedad de Parkinson, Calidad de vida, Adaptación, Sociología médica, Cantón Guayaquil, Ecuador