Recurso multimedia educativo para el proceso de aprendizaje de la materia de Estudios Sociales en los estudiantes de 8vo. Año.
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Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación
El actual trabajo tiene como objetivo modificar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de octavo año de educación básica y así como conocer las necesidades sobre todo las influencias metodológicas y estrategias del aprendizaje. En la actualidad el constante desarrollo tecnológico ha aportado considerablemente a la modernización de la educación en cuanto al proceso del enseñanza y aprendizaje, los dispositivos tecnológicos son utilizados como. La dificultad encontrada en los alumnos de Octavo Año de Educación Básica de la Unidad Educativa “Monseñor Leónidas Proaño” es que la materia de sociales es inevitablemente amplia por lo que la asignatura se la toma superficialmente y poco comprensiva sin variedad, el aporte necesariamente no es suficiente para llenar culturalmente un nivel de conocimiento a una carrera profesional satisfactoria. Mediante un aplicativo multimedia los estudiantes tendrán una mayor atención y con ello una forma de aprender.
The current work aims to modify the learning process of eighth grade students of basic education and as well as to know the needs, especially the methodological influences and learning strategies. At present the constant technological development has contributed considerably to the modernization of education regarding the process of teaching and learning, technological devices are used as. The difficulty found in the Eighth Year of Basic Education students of the "Monseñor Leónidas Proaño" Educational Unit is that the social subject is inevitably wide, so the subject is taken superficially and not very comprehensively without variety, the contribution is not necessarily enough to culturally fill a level of knowledge to a successful career. Through a multimedia application students will have greater attention and with it a way of learning
The current work aims to modify the learning process of eighth grade students of basic education and as well as to know the needs, especially the methodological influences and learning strategies. At present the constant technological development has contributed considerably to the modernization of education regarding the process of teaching and learning, technological devices are used as. The difficulty found in the Eighth Year of Basic Education students of the "Monseñor Leónidas Proaño" Educational Unit is that the social subject is inevitably wide, so the subject is taken superficially and not very comprehensively without variety, the contribution is not necessarily enough to culturally fill a level of knowledge to a successful career. Through a multimedia application students will have greater attention and with it a way of learning
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